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Thread: HEY - Robarchek Strikes Back!

  1. #26
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    Originally posted by nyknicksfan
    It sure is strange, and I could be wrong, but I have yet to read a negitive article about CHT from the NO's newpaper. In fact it seems, many newspapers across the country are taking extra steps to not write bad things about CHT (some have taken the city to task for not supporting a winner, but most give them sympathy tone). You would think their writers would give this a rest, or atleast a different perspective. But as you know newspapers print what sells, and hate sells in CHT right now. The team moved, the community failed to keep the team. Over and done, I mean do these CHT papers want to keep writing NO's will fail articles all next year as well to please the population, or do they really hate the NBA and will finally let it rest. We know, CHT is a wonderful place with all the banks and NASCAR you can handle, you hated the owners, NBA and wanted the team to go anyway (we have all read that enough) . . . it happened and no amount of negitive articles can change that.
    Excellent post, I wondered the same thing. I thought it was just me but can anyone find an article from a New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Biloxi, Mobile or any other newspaper that bashes Charlotte? I have not seen one article with a harsh word against Charlotte except like you said to say that they did not support the team.

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  2. #27
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    nyknicksfan - The T-P has not said a bad word about Charlotte throughout this whole affair. In fact, they have run several pieces explaining the Charlotte point of view.

    For whatever reason, the press in Charlotte has chosen to deamonize anyone and any place that is in associated with the relcoation effort.

  3. #28
    Originally posted by Frustrated
    Well Whodat, you sure can downgrade the level of a conversation. But if it's making you think like that, I better change it.

    Now back to Harvey:

    There once was a Hornet named Harvey
    Drives Superior Honda’s CR-V
    He teaches his flock
    He’s the ******** of the walk
    Cause his flock’s not yet Hornets just larvae
    No offense, but that was horrible.

  4. #29
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    Originally posted by Grandadmiral

    No offense, but that was horrible.


    Hey Grand, You need to get this to get rid of that bad taste from this

  5. #30
    Originally posted by Whodat32


    Hey Grand, You need to get this to get rid of that bad taste from this

    And you know this...


  6. #31
    I apologize if I have offended anyone here. I had no idea how serious a situation this was.

    Doug Robarchek has been writing a column in the Charlotte Observer for years. He has ripped everybody and everything in Charlotte many, many times. If you think he's hard on New Orleans, you should see what he does to local politicians.

    I thought it was called satire. I didn't think it was called hate.

    The other night Letterman commented on the Hornets moving to New Orleans and he said, "Charlotte had a team? Who knew?" I thought that was funny. I certainly didn't think it was hateful. Letterman rips different cities all time, viciously in some cases. Is he a "freaking loser idiot" or is it only people that bash New Orleans that have that honor?

    I'm sure you've heard of Jim Bakker and PTL. Charlotte was bashed and ripped and ridiculed and laughed at by media around the world over that for years. Nobody took it personally. I don't get it.

  7. #32
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Pirate1974
    I apologize if I have offended anyone here. I had no idea how serious a situation this was.

    Doug Robarchek has been writing a column in the Charlotte Observer for years. He has ripped everybody and everything in Charlotte many, many times. If you think he's hard on New Orleans, you should see what he does to local politicians.

    I thought it was called satire. I didn't think it was called hate.

    The other night Letterman commented on the Hornets moving to New Orleans and he said, "Charlotte had a team? Who knew?" I thought that was funny. I certainly didn't think it was hateful. Letterman rips different cities all time, viciously in some cases. Is he a "freaking loser idiot" or is it only people that bash New Orleans that have that honor?

    I'm sure you've heard of Jim Bakker and PTL. Charlotte was bashed and ripped and ridiculed and laughed at by media around the world over that for years. Nobody took it personally. I don't get it.
    Before you take the opinion that we are over reacting, do this for me. Go back and read the things that have been said and written about New Orleans. I am sure some were good fun, but many were hateful and classless. The reason they were written.....SOUR GRAPES. These sour grapes articles with "polite" jabs at New Orleans are not entertaining. Entertaining would be a laugh. Not constant crying and misery. Especially the self inflicted kind. Did Letterman spend hours, days and months of **********ing, complaining and moaning before the joke? No. That is why people laughed. It was a moment of humor. Not a story of denial, anger, lies and hate followed by a light hearted joke. It is hard to take someone's attempt at humor or satire when it is prefaced by anger, denial and whining. Do you get it CLT. Its you. Again. Will you ever be able to see it? What will have to happen next? Why doesn't anybody ever understand you? All of you get it, right? Do you think your anger, hate, denial and whining has jaded your ability to be rational? Do you think it has jaded our ability to see your humor? You bet it has!!! Who do you think should change? What have we done wrong except rationally react to your "humor" (aka anger, hate, denial, whining)?
    Last edited by Harvey Hornet-x; 05-15-2002 at 04:12 PM.

  8. #33
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Pirate1974 - with television you can see and hear the person laugh, and although I did not see Letterman that night, I understand he quickly followed with an I'm joking comment.

    The problem with print is no one can hear you laugh.

    The Observer has not printed a favorable word about New Orleans or the team owners since the relocation effort began. The Robarchek column is symptomatic of what has been pervasive in the rest of that publication. Read Robarcheck's column again carefully, it's not how he says it, but what he says about New Orleans:
    • a big X-rated Disneyland run for the sole purpose of separating tourists from their bucks
    • the bars on Bourbon Street used shills to drum up business
    • New Orleans never was a hotbed of NBA enthusiasm
    • we questioned whether New Orleans made a smart deal with its heavy subsidies to the team
    • In fact, we're thinking that, by golly, maybe George and Ray are getting the following they deserve. And vice versa.

    Nothing he says carries a glint of sarcasm - it's admittedly an acquired skill and he is obviously still an apprentice.

    The problem is that sarcasm or not, he only regurgitates the same negative stereotypes that the rest of that fine piece of journalism has seen fit to perpetuate on a daily basis in the so called news sections.

    I hope you understand our displeasure a little better now.
    Last edited by say-what-x; 05-15-2002 at 04:11 PM.

  9. #34
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Harvey Hornet and say what, you took the words right out of my mouth. The CHT papers started writing articles about 4 months ago looking for sympathy from the NBA and other NBA cities, when that didn't work and the team was looking like they were going to move, they started publishing comparisons between the two cities, now they are taking un-needed shots.

    It is one thing to satire NO, it is quite another to write a "funny" article while peppering it with insults on how they don't think NO will make it in the NBA. Fine, will all get it . . . CHT was a great basketball market, people visit NO to get drunk and party, and CHT has enough banks and money to relocate their city to the moon if they want (they just can't seem to build a new arena or get out of the NASCAR/Mayberry shadow that haunts them so much). Now that is satire!

  10. #35
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    If you think its a insult to us Charlotteans picking on our Journalists, think again, no one trash talks them more than us. Why do you think I read USA Today everyday?

  11. #36
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Abbie
    If you think its a insult to us Charlotteans picking on our Journalists, think again, no one trash talks them more than us. Why do you think I read USA Today everyday?
    No, we're not trying to insult the good people of Charlotte, just criticize an idiot at the Obscurer. Hey, we pick on our own media people also, this guy just stepped into the cross hairs for now.

    Wait until this evening when BuddyD opens his mouth on the air and talks Horse Racing. And the T-P reporters/columnists come under fire also, it's just that they haven't stepped in it yet with their Hornets coverage.

  12. #37
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    I don't think anyone is insulting your journalists, but instead are trying to express the view from the NO perspective and how this is not just hamless satire or silly jokes. These articles serve a purpose, to build up the image of CHT and it's people. Editors just don't print anything, and they certainly would have to make a journalisitic decision when reading and publishing an article like that.

    Abbie, that is not really directed at you. Others seem to think that the constant stream of negitive articles and rehashed sterotypes is okay. How many of these past newspapers contained satires about Norfolk, St Louis, Louisville, and Pittsburg? I know CHT isn't full of hicks, or think that it looks like Mayberry, or that every single person is a banker or NASCAR nut. The articles out of the Times-P about CHT have all been sympathetic. It just seems mean.

  13. #38
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    As many have written here, my feelings about Charlotte "journalists" do not come from one article, but from the numerous articles throughout this process.

  14. #39
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    Originally posted by HORNETSFAN
    As many have written here, my feelings about Charlotte "journalists" do not come from one article, but from the numerous articles throughout this process.
    Absolutely, this is not one article or even one journalist or one media source. I have seen several articles from several journalists from several different media sources all bad mouthing New Orleans. I mean get over it already, MOVE ON CHARLOTTE JOURNALISTS, but who cares because WE GOT'EM!!!

  15. #40
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    Hmm, it is interesting that Robarchek calls his bashing "gentle gibes," but when I sent him my "Top Ten Moments In Charlotte Hornets History," "they" (since "they" insist on using the editorial "we") called my email an obvious crank letter and said he didn't have time for it. Here it is, for those who haven't read it:

    The Top Ten Moments in Charlotte Hornets History:

    10. Beatle record burning at half-time brings out famed segregationist Lester Maddox as surprise guest, to rousing standing ovation.

    9. After first ever game in the Coliseum, first Charlotte fan complains loudly that George Shinn is the worst owner ever and promises never to
    attend another game in protest.

    8. After discovering that the Hornets have been reporting actual rather than paid attendance in the 2001-02 season, causing Hornets attendance
    to drop from the giddy heights of 28th in the NBA to 29th, reporter for the Charlotte Observer decides not to dig deeper to see if the ownership
    had inflated attendance in the Hornets early years in order to set so-called "records."

    7. First free-agent decides not to resign with the Hornets because he cannot find enough to spend his multi-million dollar salary on at Wal-Mart and the Red Lobster.

    6. Last NBA attendance record allegedly surpassed when short-sleeve button down shirt, plastic glasses and crew-cut night brings out standing room only crowd for free Hornets clip-on ties.

    5. Ordinance requiring Hornets players to wear long pants and Honey Bees to wear ankle-length dresses "and cover their bosoms" loses by one vote
    after David Stern moves his checking account to Nationsbank.

    4. First ever (announced) non-sellout at Coliseum when it is learned that Alonzo Mourning once said H.E. Double-hockey sticks in traffic.

    3. Move to require a public referendum prior to each Hornets draft choice loses steam when the coaches of UNC, Duke, and NC State all threaten to resign in protest.

    2. Theme to the Andy Griffith Show abandoned as team fight song when it is revealed that in real-life Mr. Griffith once had a lesbian friend.
    Name of Honey "Beas" changed to Honey "Bees" under public pressure.

    1. In the wake of the Hornets relocation to New Orleans, Charlotte Coliseum dedicated to (albeit very small) monster truck rallies. The City Council has a giant number 3 painted on the roof in an ordinance declaring that North Carolina is no longer to be considered the "basketball capital of the world," but will be now be known as the
    "NASCAR State."

  16. #41
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    my point is we don't really pay them any attention here so yu shouldnt either. And we call the paper the Charlotte disturber.

  17. #42
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Abbie
    Why do you think I read USA Today everyday?
    For journalism worse than CLT?

  18. #43
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Abbie
    my point is we don't really pay them any attention here so yu shouldnt either. And we call the paper the Charlotte disturber.
    If you guys are used to it and tolerate it, that is fine. If this guy wants to bash CLT and keep the laundry in-house, that is fine if you guys want to put up with that. However, the Disturber does not have a subscription base in NOLA, yet this jerk-off knows that his words will reach us via the internet. He is crossing the line of what a reputable newspaper seemingly should be doing. Like you said, you don't even read it yourself - you get USA Today. That is truly sad. The only time I read that paper is if I am in an unfamiliar town. You shouldn't have to read that in your hometown.

    I am not paying attention to this guy. I emailed him once upon a time, but I am not going to do it again. I think what we are trying to say is that there seems to be a lot of people in CLT with some kind of complex that plays from the average joe, to the media, to bankers, and up to the local pols. You guys are almost funny about that. It's actually weird, but we are used to it and we don't care anymore. It is soooooooo played out.

    Time for some football!!!

  19. #44
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    Leave 'em alone. Charlotte has proven over and over that they are full of insecure, classless, self-righteous hypocrites. Nothing will change that.

  20. #45
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  21. #46
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    It's times like these that I wish there was an easy way to turn the Times-Picayune into a funny name ala the absurder or disturber. Alas, we lose again.

    A lot of y'all seem to be really sensitive about disparaging remarks to your city. Maybe I'm just clueless, but it seems to me that New Orleans is one of the most well-known cities in the US. Right up there with NYC, San Fran, LA, and Chicago. Honestly, I had no idea that y'all were considered "poor" before this whole fiasco started. You aren't "the little guy" by any means. Most North Cackalack folk know that, but we've never been through anything like this before and sometimes people hafta lash out at someone. Sometimes the dumbest are the loudest.

    That said, there are a few of you that stoop to the same level. cough*Chr....er...oops...Jim Everette*cough*

    Why am I typing? I should be watching what may be our last game!

  22. #47
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mayberry
    It's times like these that I wish there was an easy way to turn the Times-Picayune into a funny name ala the absurder or disturber. Alas, we lose again.

    A lot of y'all seem to be really sensitive about disparaging remarks to your city. Maybe I'm just clueless, but it seems to me that New Orleans is one of the most well-known cities in the US. Right up there with NYC, San Fran, LA, and Chicago. Honestly, I had no idea that y'all were considered "poor" before this whole fiasco started. You aren't "the little guy" by any means. Most North Cackalack folk know that, but we've never been through anything like this before and sometimes people hafta lash out at someone. Sometimes the dumbest are the loudest.

    That said, there are a few of you that stoop to the same level. cough*Chr....er...oops...Jim Everette*cough*

    Why am I typing? I should be watching what may be our last game!
    So, CLT clearly commits a wrong by taking the gentle jabs at us. We resent it. Then CLT turns around and blames us again: "You all are just too sensative." How many times do you guys want to blame us for the acts or omissions committed by people in CLT? You guys are a*********, get a life and get over your collective inferiority complex.

  23. #48
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    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet

    So, CLT clearly commits a wrong by taking the gentle jabs at us. We resent it. Then CLT turns around and blames us again: "You all are just too sensative." How many times do you guys want to blame us for the acts or omissions committed by people in CLT? You guys are a*********, get a life and get over your collective inferiority complex.
    pretty effing classy, WCH.........

    Do I write for the "obscurer"? Did I ever talk sh!t about NOLA?

    (you'll hafta excuse me...they are showing a cheesy montage of hornets history on tv right now....rex chapman, kelly tripucka (jerry seinfeld?), muggsy, LJ, alonzo, dell curry, etc......gonna miss it.)

    good luck in NOLA.

  24. #49
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mayberry

    pretty effing classy, WCH.........

    Do I write for the "obscurer"? Did I ever talk sh!t about NOLA?

    (you'll hafta excuse me...they are showing a cheesy montage of hornets history on tv right now....rex chapman, kelly tripucka (jerry seinfeld?), muggsy, LJ, alonzo, dell curry, etc......gonna miss it.)

    good luck in NOLA.
    Well, since you don't have your PMs on, guess I'll air your dirty laundry right here.

    We won't miss your holier than thou attitude. I stick by my opinion. If you don't like it, put me on your ignore list. Otherwise, go fly a kite. By the way, I don't care if you personally ever talked "sh!t" about NOLA. You clearly support it and qualify as a whiner, too. Goodbye.

  25. #50
    The Franchise STD's Avatar
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    Re: HEY - Robarchek Strikes Back!

    Originally posted by say-what
    That's why we were so surprised at how insecure and defensive some residents are.

    Oh, every town has losers with nothing to do but stand guard, ready to overreact to any slight, real or imagined. But, as the Hornets' soap opera progressed, we were surprised at the e-mailed outrage over our gentle jibes.

    If we implied that the bars on Bourbon Street used shills to drum up business, the response was swift and intellectual: Charlotte stinks.
    and if someone says" Charlotte stinks "the people of clt wish terrorist attacks, cancer and aids on you

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