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Thread: Do you think..........

  1. #1
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Do you think..........

    Do you think you can be a coach, GM, player, or owner in the NBA/NFL? I just came from reading the Saintsreport forum and also I read this forum, I wonder if people really believe they can not only do the organization's job, but do it better.

    And if so, why not try to do it?

    I mean if you can get a better Small Forward for the Hornets and a better Cornerback for the Saints, assuming each team needs them, which if they did, I would think that each front office would know it. But, even then there might not be any better ones to get.

    I just cheer for the Saints, Hornets, and Southern. If they win, they win. If they lose, then they lose. Either way, I will just enjoy the season.

  2. #2
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    The Saints know they need a CB and the Hornets know they need a SF. Not sure where you are coming from.

    I don't think anyone here thinks they are qualified to coach or GM in the NFL or NBA. I do believe fans have a right to an opinion though. Questioning a team, organization or player is certainly the right of the fans.

    I'm glad you are happy with the approach you take to following your teams. There are lots of good fans out here who look at things in many different ways. It's all part of the fun of being a fan. I don't think there is one right way of being a fan. Regardless of which kind of fan you are, it doesn't make any of us any better or worse than anyone else dedicated to the home team(s).

  3. #3
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    I am curious, is there ANY time that you are anyone else know of, where a fan or fans, have affected what a player, coach, or anyone with a team does?

    It's like booing(Not Boo Williams) your own team. Do people really believe that it will make the player play better. Again is there a time that anyone knows of, where this has happened?

    Not trying to diss anyone like HH or anyone else, but I am curious if this makes people do there job better.

  4. #4
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    I heard Jeff Van Gundy tell the Houston media that he hopes the fans boo him and the Rockets if they don't perform. He said it's the fans right and responsibility to hold them accountable. I happen to agree with him.

    I'm sure there are some players and coaches who would say different. IMO, those types are thin skinned.

    Also, sometimes when fans boo, they are booing the player as much as they are sending a message to the organization. It happened with Brooks a couple of years ago when Haz insisted on playing him while he was hurt. I booed. I wasn't happy with Brooks' play, but my emotions were directed at the organization. They are responsible for who is on the field/court.

  5. #5
    Banned Trueblood's Avatar
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    Originally posted by smcgull
    I am curious, is there ANY time that you are anyone else know of, where a fan or fans, have affected what a player, coach, or anyone with a team does?

    It's like booing(Not Boo Williams) your own team. Do people really believe that it will make the player play better. Again is there a time that anyone knows of, where this has happened?

    Not trying to diss anyone like HH or anyone else, but I am curious if this makes people do there job better.
    I don't know and I've never thought about that angle. You may have a point but I haven't given it enough thought to form an opinion. Personally, I do want an NBA GM gig but am currently unqualified from an academic standpoint. Still, I understand talent, the business angle and the needs of other teams. I consider myself slightly more advanced knowledge wise than the average fan. Not that it makes me any better as a person. Hell, some of the biggest scumbags around know a lot about basketball. Still, I'd take my knowledge over a lot of other fan's knowledge and hopefully can parlay that into something bigger in the future.

    As for the Hornets and the SF angle, management did about as good as they could. They targeted the right guys and were even willing to go above the lux tax threshold to do it. Unfortunately, Stephen Jackson chose to play for Indy and Toronto chose to keep Mo Pete so the Hornets had to go for Rodney Rogers. Along with Rodney White, Darius Miles and Calbert Cheaney, he was about as good a guy as they could get at that price range for an SF so I give management a pass. They've drafted well the last 2 years so I'll reserve judgment for another year.

  6. #6
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Thanks for your thoughts. I just hope that any booing or dislike of a team and or organization could be kept to the opposing team/organization.

  7. #7
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Re: Do you think..........

    Originally posted by smcgull
    Do you think you can be a coach, GM, player, or owner in the NBA/NFL? I just came from reading the Saintsreport forum and also I read this forum, I wonder if people really believe they can not only do the organization's job, but do it better.

    And if so, why not try to do it?

    I mean if you can get a better Small Forward for the Hornets and a better Cornerback for the Saints, assuming each team needs them, which if they did, I would think that each front office would know it. But, even then there might not be any better ones to get.

    I just cheer for the Saints, Hornets, and Southern. If they win, they win. If they lose, then they lose. Either way, I will just enjoy the season.
    I don't think I can, like any profession, coaching/team management is a field where you need to build up a certain level of education and experience. However, as a fan I have every right to be critical of the franchise and even question moves from time to time. Like art, sports is subjective. Basically there is no one right way to do anyting. Sure, we could sit here all day and type nothing but praise for the team. But instead of serious debate and insights, we would have a cult like membership unwilling to express their opinions fearing they won't appear to be enough of a true fan. I come here to complain, rant, cheer, and analyze. Without those quailities, this board would be useless.

    No, I couldn't work in the sport industry. As a consumer I can comment and question the product I am buying, the same way people complain about movies they hate or TV shows they find unwatchable. I work in TV/film, in art depts . . . I heard people trash the shows I've worked on in public in a theater or at a party, not knowing I've worked on that film or show. It's part of my business, something we fully take on when you enter a field like this. Remember that the next time you think a TV show or film sucks, if you feel people in the sports business can do their job without critical judgement surely you know that the people working in entertainment have also dedicated their lives to their art and have years of experience that most people off the street couldn't just duplicate.

    Maybe I read this thread the wrong way. But, who wants to come to a site where we are just happy with the present situation without any critical thought in our post? Most people can't do other people's jobs. I would be lost in a court room, ER, or business office. Yet, we have the freedom to have an opinion on the work others produce. Without having to walk in that person's shoes.

    I just hope the Hornets win as well, that is all we want here anyway. I just don't think it makes anyone less of fan if they wants to express their opinion, even if that means blindly supporting the team.

  8. #8
    Biodegradable NO reason's Avatar
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    Originally posted by smcgull

    It's like booing(Not Boo Williams) your own team. Do people really believe that it will make the player play better. Again is there a time that anyone knows of, where this has happened?
    Well, I can't speak for professional sports, since I have only played ball in college and high school, but I played football for a very bad local team and the students at my high school rarely came out to support us, and when they did, they were disappointed and boo-ed sometimes. I wouldn't say it made me play better, but it gave me a desire to go out and play harder and try to make a better name for my school to get some support. In the homecoming game my senior year there were barely any students from my school actually at the game, and it got me pretty ****ed off and I went out and had about a 20 tackle game. But I believe pro players can do a better job of blocking out the crowd noise and opinions.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by NO reason
    But I believe pro players can do a better job of blocking out the crowd noise and opinions.
    They have to ... otherwise they go insane.

    As for the initial question. I'm maybe not qualified for the job, but I sure as hell would like to try it for some time . I mean seriously, who of us fans hasn't thought about being in charge of your favourite team?


  10. #10
    Banned THAJCODE's Avatar
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    I sure hate to hear hometown fans booing @ Saints OR Hornets games, but have heard it happen in the past, and am sure it'll happen in the future.

    It's part of the game, and in many fans eyes, is their right to do.

  11. #11
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! irish thug 527's Avatar
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    You know, there are times when booing your team is appropriate (yeah, flame me, blah). But alot of fans start booing someone when they are just having an off night. I remember David Wesley had an off night with 3 pointers one time, and some fans around me started booing him. That's wrong. That's sick. That's an awful thing to do. Never, EVER do that.

    On the other hand, I will be overjoyed if Mashburn plays and gets booed by the fans. That's when it's appropriate. I don't care what you say. It is FULLY appropriate to boo him.

    But yeah that's just how I stand.

  12. #12
    Formerly "Rocket Man" groundpatty's Avatar
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    Well, I'm pretty sure you have to at least finish college for that... much less jr. high.... i think I've got a few years to go.

  13. #13
    Banned VTHornet's Avatar
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    I am fan because I am entertained not because I think I know more than those paid to do their jobs. I also don't feel I have a "right" to a winning team. I just enjoy the game win or lose. But I am happy when the team I like wins but not sad or angry when they lose.

  14. #14
    On the Gerry V. show yesterday, he had a psychologist who was talking about sports and the effects it has on people. I don't remember the man's name so I can't give any direct quote but will try to paraphrase what he said.

    "Sports is good because it helps people to relieve stress it also allows a bonding between the fans of a team and the community the team represents." He also went on to say that less than one percent of sports fans are adversly by it."

    The reason I introduced this is because I think it plays a major role in what is being discussed here.

    Most people realize they don't know more than Loomis or Bristow but a part of the psychology of sports is playing the "what if game".

    What if the Hornets made this trade? What if the Saints had drafted this player and not the other player.

    It is the reason why we join fantasy leauses because it makes us feel good when we know we drafted or started the right player.

    As children we want to play doctor but when we grow up we realize that there is no fun in playing fantasy doctor, unless your playing fanstasy gynecologist, but its more fun to play fantasy coach or gm because we're able to escape our own dull drab 9 to 5 even if its just for 3 hours.
    Last edited by danshw4; 08-25-2004 at 07:34 AM.
    "I ain't got too much money, I ain't got too much sense. I once had a dream but that's no recompense"-Supertramp 1970

  15. #15
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Booing is important. I don't think booing high school or college kids is right, in fact I think it is wrong . . . but pros are getting paid to do this for a living. Once you start playing on the pro level the game becomes more about entertainment, so booing is fine. If millions of dollars and fame can't coax their egos, then they shouldn't go pro. It really is that simple.

    My point is that once a person decides to become a profesional, you accept a certain amount of criticism. It's part of the job. We live in a competitive society, based on performance. As members of this society we review and give critical insight into the results of these perfomances. Someone might work years to write a novel, only to have a person read it and say it sucked to friend. That's fine, the writer knows his work will be judged. Same goes for everyone else, including sports pros. If it really effects the players that much, maybe they need more time in college to mature. It's just sports.

  16. #16
    Originally posted by NYKF Hornet
    Booing is important. I don't think booing high school or college kids is right, in fact I think it is wrong . . . but pros are getting paid to do this for a living. Once you start playing on the pro level the game becomes more about entertainment, so booing is fine. If millions of dollars and fame can't coax their egos, then they shouldn't go pro. It really is that simple.

    My point is that once a person decides to become a profesional, you accept a certain amount of criticism. It's part of the job. We live in a competitive society, based on performance. As members of this society we review and give critical insight into the results of these perfomances. Someone might work years to write a novel, only to have a person read it and say it sucked to friend. That's fine, the writer knows his work will be judged. Same goes for everyone else, including sports pros. If it really effects the players that much, maybe they need more time in college to mature. It's just sports.
    Couldn't agree more ... they get paid for doing this. If they are not up to it they should go back to mommy and crie their hearts out.


  17. #17
    There are really so many issues intertwined here. On some level, I think alot fans need to step back and not be so serious. Sometimes, it's the spirit behind the action that helps determine what might be appropriate. Certainly, booing at little league can be example of the worse kind of behavior. Even then, there is the possibility of the "tongue in cheek" light-hearted boo that's not so bad, like a reaction to an ump making a kid in the stands return a foul ball or something like that.

    Booing at pro games is fine overall, but some people need to leave their baggage behind. Sometimes there is such "vitriol." Its hard to see how much good that is for anyone. On the other hand, booing can be simply a way for fans to voice their disagreement on the direction the team is going. I think any pro should realize that and take it in stride, and that booing could be ultimately constructive. Now, if you are booing during a play while your own QB tries to call a play, you could be hurting your team.

  18. #18
    Vote Voodoo! Contributor Unknown Poster's Avatar
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    Originally posted by smcgull
    I am curious, is there ANY time that you are anyone else know of, where a fan or fans, have affected what a player, coach, or anyone with a team does?

    It's like booing(Not Boo Williams) your own team. Do people really believe that it will make the player play better. Again is there a time that anyone knows of, where this has happened?

    Not trying to diss anyone like HH or anyone else, but I am curious if this makes people do there job better.
    That's like asking if the size of the tip should depend on the quality of service you have received -- of course it should. Whether or not it actually has an effect on the future service seems irrelevant.
    Last edited by Unknown Poster; 08-27-2004 at 03:28 PM.

  19. #19
    Vote Voodoo! Contributor Unknown Poster's Avatar
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    Originally posted by smcgull
    Thanks for your thoughts. I just hope that any booing or dislike of a team and or organization could be kept to the opposing team/organization.
    When the opposing team/organization is responsible for hiring substandard management and coaches to run the Saints I'd certainly boo them.

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