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Thread: Some of You Guys Made the News In Charlotte

  1. #1
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    News Some of You Guys Made the News In Charlotte

    West Coast - they open the article with a quote from you and the close with Harvey.

    In between they interview Spongey and quote Adam the Legend and pepper it with more Harvey references.

    Way to go guys. Funny how they focus the attention on our site while the CLT.com site barely got one mention and they did not even put the quote from russl179 in bold (making it look like they are more civil - what a crock).

    And they have the nerve to accuse us of paranoia.

    All the bolding and italics are as they appear in the article.

    Web writers wage war over Hornets
    Staff Writer

    I am so tired of the CLT whining. We didn't ask for this ... .You guys barged in here after hearing that your team was leaving you. Take your whining somewhere else.

    "West Coast Hornet," on the neworleanshornets.com message board.

    C'mon in -- just be warned: It gets a little rough.

    There's talk about rednecks, murder rates, drunkenness ... not to mention many forms of sexual activity, perverse and otherwise.

    It's another day, another "flame war" on any of the handful of Internet message boards dedicated to the Charlotte Hornets and their proposed move to New Orleans.

    On www.neworleanshornets.com, a conversation thread entitled "How to Survive in the Hills of Carolina" offers advice larded with references to overalls, incest, toothlessness and wife-beating.

    Over on charlotte.com (The Observer's online partner), "russl179" is advising New Orleanians to "go to Bourbon Street and puke on someone."

    Bradley Coburn, 25, has had a courtside view. Coburn started neworleanshornets.com with a partner in January, around the time Hornets co-owners George Shinn and Ray Wooldridge began focusing their search for a home on Coburn's native New Orleans.

    Coburn, who posts messages on his board under the name "Spongey," acknowledged things can get out of hand.

    "You take a heated situation already, and the sadness of losing a team, and New Orleans people are fearful that the NBA is maybe playing with us again," said Coburn, an senior in economics at Southern Mississippi. "Add that to the fact that you're on a message board, and you can't smile and show you're joking and ..."

    As with many Internet communities, the number of participants in online battles over the Hornets' future is small. On Wednesday, neworleanshornets.com listed 943 members -- from newcomer "mongo" on up to "Harvey Hornet," who was posting toward his site-record 1,200th message.

    Sounds like your sour grapes make good whine.

    "Harvey Hornet," taunting "Charlotte" on Wednesday.

    For many eagerly awaiting a resolution to the drama over whether the Hornets stay in the Queen City or relocate to the Crescent City, the boards are a place to grasp at straws of insight. Comments of NBA officials and team owners on the Hornets' proposed move are scrutinized with the kind of intensity that Cold War-era Kremlinologists once reserved for photographs of the leadership lineup at Moscow's May Day parade.

    With that kind of scrutiny comes paranoia -- such as when New Orleans posters suggested ESPN reporter David Aldridge was being paid by Charlotte to make negative comments about their city.

    Keep up the good work, Nawlins. We like your town, we really do ... We'll be back down there to visit before you know it. We'll help bolster your floundering economy. ... Seriously, somebody has to help finance the most spectacular homeless population in the country.

    Posted by Charlotte radio host Mark Packer on neworleanshornets.com on March 17.

    I understand Packer's anger and frustration actually. Think about it, with the Hornets in New Orleans next season, what is he going to have to talk about? Chris Weinke? The nightly cow-tipping contests?

    Response from "Adam the Legend."

    WFNZ host Packer is a favorite target of New Orleans postings.

    Packer is very much in his element.

    "It's the written version of sports talk radio," Packer said. "I just go on there to have fun with them and stir them up. It's never personal -- I throw a jab and then I run."

    Packer said a number of New Orleanians who initially e-mailed him in anger after provocative posts have become Internet pen pals who ask for the latest gossip.

    For Coburn, the flame wars between Charlotteans and New Orleanians got to be too much. Last week Coburn decided to deny access to many Charlotte posters.

    "It wasn't just the Charlotte people who were causing the problems," he said. "But I decided to focus basically on the target audience of the board, which is New Orleans Hornets supporters."

    Meanwhile, the battle continues ...

    All I know is that I am glad (the Saints) play the Panthers twice a year. That is like starting the season 2-0 for us.

    Harvey Hornet," opening a new line of conflict ..

  2. #2
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Shows they are running out of things to write about up there. If they spent half their time writing and covering their team as they do trying to criticize N.O. and its residents, they may have drummed up support to keep them. Oh well, I guess they need to practice for the National Enquirer anyway as they will need a job soon.

  3. #3
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    More propoganda from the Absurder. They make reference to approaching my "site record 1200th post". Lies!!! Hornetsfan is the all time leader around here. At least they quoted the real Harvey Hornet. Harv-a-mania is running wild in CLT. What ya gonna do brutha, when Harv-a-mania, runs wild on yoouuuuuuu!!!!!! They really don't have much left. It is kind of sad.

  4. #4
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    I have to tell you that many people don't read the disturber up here. It is nothing but a propaganda rag and is treated as such by many people up here. The "news"paper actually has many "news" articles that editorilize what the reporter is covering. And besides, if it isn't duke or unc then it might get a half inch of coverage. When Cincy came to town for a game vs. UNCC the Disturber did a top half of the page, two and half page article on one of the CINCY players (Logan, I think). So if it isn't what they like then it gets no coverage.

    Sorry to rant so much.
    I find your lack of faith .. DISTURBING

  5. #5
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Harvey Hornet
    More propoganda from the Absurder. They make reference to approaching my "site record 1200th post". Lies!!! Hornetsfan is the all time leader around here. At least they quoted the real Harvey Hornet. Harv-a-mania is running wild in CLT. What ya gonna do brutha, when Harv-a-mania, runs wild on yoouuuuuuu!!!!!! They really don't have much left. It is kind of sad.
    I just fly under their radar!

  6. #6
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    Is this actually in the dead-tree version of the Charlotte Observer? This board is fun and interesting, but I find it bizarre that the Observer thinks it is newsworthy. The really sad thing is this isn't the first story they've done on us. This column looks like a companion-piece to "NewOrleansHornets.com: Charlotte In the Rear-view Mirror? " which they ran several weeks back. Come on Tim, even the Admins of this site lack delusions of grandeur about this thing. Not only are there under a thousand members on this site, but only a small fraction post on a regular basis. Next thing we know, they are going to be covering some Black Sabbath fan site, "Web Writers Wage War Over Ozzy Sitcom" to go along with "EricEstradaRocks.com: Latin TV Heart-Throb Poised For a Comeback?"

    I will say this, though, I think this site gets read by a lot of people who don't register, some of whom are more important in all this than this sportsfan sitting in here the suburbs typing away when he should be working. For example, I wouldn't be surprised if Bill Hines picked up the Aldridge quote, which he referenced in the T-P, here.

    BTW- Who has become penpals with the Talkshow Host Who Must Not Be Named?

  7. #7
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Westbank Hornet

    Who has become penpals with the Talkshow Host Who Must Not Be Named?
    Must be Harvey. You know he and Packer are close .

  8. #8
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    I am so tired of the CLT whining. We didn't ask for this ... .You guys barged in here after hearing that your team was leaving you. Take your whining somewhere else.
    Hey, at least they got my quote in first: Message to charlotte: quit crying. hahahaha, that's too funny. I didn't give him permission to quote me (you know how I feel about that) but I would have given the permission if he would have paid me my $.03! Should I send that fool a bill?

    Hey Spongey, we're FAMOUS!

    Time for some football!!!

  9. #9
    The Franchise STD's Avatar
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    that son of a bech didnt quote me!
    Last edited by STD; 03-29-2002 at 04:33 PM.

  10. #10
    The Franchise STD's Avatar
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    you know your town sucks when they have to get their news

    from message boards made for nba teams that do not exist yet

  11. #11
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    One guy started a thread at CLT.com saying he woke up, got his coffee, grabbed the paper and the first thing he saw was quotes from West Coast Hornet and Harvey Hornet. He was sooooo pissed off. LMAO. This is just proof that they are closet Harvey fans. They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery. If that is true, there are the fake Harvey's on weenie boy's show, fake Harveys at clt.com, a fake Harv at HarveyHornet @ aol.com, Harv-a-mania is running wild in CLT. After we get the team, I am going to call a REAL radio show up there to address my loyal subjects. LMFAO!!!
    Last edited by Harvey Hornet-x; 03-29-2002 at 05:13 PM.

  12. #12
    Draft Pick
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    It was called a referendum...

    Voters in Charlotte overwhelmingly voted to reject plans for building a new uptown arena for the Hornets. Had the Charlotte City Counsel obeyed the wishes of the average Charlotte tax payer, this New Orleans/Charlotte debate would be moot. Yes, there is a minority in Charlotte that does not want the Hornets to leave...about 8,500 people ( the average home attendance presently). The most vocal proponets for keeping the Hornets in Charlotte are the local politicians and an elite group of rich bankers (and others of similiar wealth). The silent majority in Charlotte do not care if the Hornets leave or where they go. They care more about just making it in this world than financing a third and fourth new home for these owners. Taxes will go up regardless where the Hornets play. And since it is my hard earned money being taxed, I truely hope the Hornets are granted their leave of Chalotte. If you don't follow politics in North Carolina, just log on the Charlotte Observer web site come the next local election...the voters will not forget the arrogance of City Counsel and it will be reflected in both voter turnout and turnover. Good luck and best wishes to the fans in New Orleans.

  13. #13
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Thanks hunter. I like the things you had to say. Now.....you felt motivated to post it on this thread because.......?

  14. #14
    Draft Pick
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    most of us in Charlotte don't hate the people of New Orleans...

  15. #15
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Re: Because

    Originally posted by criminal_hunter
    most of us in Charlotte don't hate the people of New Orleans...
    And I am not trying to get smart with you or start any trouble. This thread is about a lame article in the Absurder discussing the mindless banter that happens on these type boards. I liked and respect your message. It just seems like a fish out of water on this thread. There had to be a differnet thread or maybe you could have started a new one that serviced your message better. No worries. Be cool

  16. #16
    Draft Pick
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    no offense taken...

    I just wanted to post a reality article...

  17. #17
    Charter Member Adam the Legend's Avatar
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    I'm on my 5th beer of the night right now, so I actually thinks its cool they quoted me, but they could have quoted the entire statement.
    the Legend has spoken!

  18. #18
    Originally posted by Adam the Legend
    I'm on my 5th beer of the night right now, so I actually thinks its cool they quoted me, but they could have quoted the entire statement.
    Cheers, Adam you're infamous in Charlotte now.

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Houma Hornet
    you know your town sucks when they have to get their news

    from message boards made for nba teams that do not exist yet
    Not the town, just the news paper.
    Try and have fun!

    Big "G"

    NOLA beware - Shinnridge is the devil. Greed, lust, and immorality are his game. You will be sorry. You have been warned. - just for say-what

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