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Thread: Bill Hines tells FOX 8 - Owners said come close and it's yours!

  1. #1
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    News Bill Hines tells FOX 8 - Owners said come close and it's yours!

    Bill Hines was just shown on FOX 8 and said quote me - I talked to 7 or 8 owners at the All Star game and they said if you just come close we look forward to playing in New Orleans in 2002!

    This statement was made when the reporter asked him about the criticism reported about the move from 2 owners.
    Last edited by say-what-x; 03-17-2002 at 09:26 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Bill Hines tells FOX 8 - Owners said come close and it's yours!

    Originally posted by say-what
    Bill Hines was just shown on FOX 8 and said quote me - I talked to 7 or 8 owners at the All Star game and they said if you just come close we look forward to playing in New Orleans in 2002!
    I actually think we'll hit the goals before the owners vote on April 8-9, though.

  3. #3
    Charter Member Bad Andy's Avatar
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    If the team has been straight with us about ticket sales, then I would think that the club seating issues would be very close to being resolved by the time the owners meet in April. I've long suspected that the holders of the club seats under the Brass deal were just tying up their seats for as long as possible before having to make a final decision. I myself never pay my Saints season ticket invoice until the very last few days. Why? because holding on to my money suits me better than turning it over to someone else before I absolutley, positively have to. Gee, do you think I'm alone on that sentiment?

  4. #4
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Also, there was a lot of confusion as to what would happen to current clubholders rights it they did not buy the Hornets package. That delayed the release of the tickets for at least an extra week.

  5. #5
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Hines actually seemed ticked off at the Sonics owners comments and said that anyone who wanted to quote him regarding the 7 or 8 owners could quote that!

    He said that Wooldridge was 100% confident on approval. Hines said that he personally was about 95% confident because there always is a small possiblity of something happening.

  6. #6
    Lets see........

    8 for relocation
    2 against relocation
    18 undecided (not including the Hornets in these totals)

    15 for relocation to be approved

    Looks good so far, but it doesnt mean a thing until April 9th.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by rmsvc
    Lets see........

    8 for relocation
    2 against relocation
    18 undecided (not including the Hornets in these totals)

    15 for relocation to be approved

    Looks good so far, but it doesnt mean a thing until April 9th.
    All that matters is what the committee recommends. Most owners have already said that they would probaly side with whatever was recommended. So all of these numbers mean didley squat.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by izzydean

    All that matters is what the committee recommends. Most owners have already said that they would probaly side with whatever was recommended. So all of these numbers mean didley squat.
    I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few of those owners at the All Star game were on the committee. Now, I've got to get some sleep.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by izzydean

    All that matters is what the committee recommends. Most owners have already said that they would probaly side with whatever was recommended. So all of these numbers mean didley squat.

    Didnt I just say that?

  10. #10
    Originally posted by rmsvc

    Didnt I just say that?
    I wasnt disagreeing with you.

  11. #11
    I was just checking. Dont mean to be hostle.

  12. #12
    Is that the same Bill Hines that said if they sell all the tickets- the team is coming?

    Now that all the tickets weren't sold the story becomes-if you sell close to all the tickets the team is yours.

    I wish he get a story and stick with it.

  13. #13
    Originally posted by charlottewillke
    Is that the same Bill Hines that said if they sell all the tickets- the team is coming?

    Now that all the tickets weren't sold the story becomes-if you sell close to all the tickets the team is yours.

    I wish he get a story and stick with it.
    His next statement will be something like, "If we sell one more ticket the team is ours. I guarantee it!"

  14. #14
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Charlottewillke
    I wish he get a story and stick with it.
    Originally posted by izzydean
    His next statement will be something like, "If we sell one more ticket the team is ours. I guarantee it!"

    Izzydean and Charlottewillke, I understand that you do not know who Mr. Hines is and for your information, Mr. Hines is a person of great integrity and well respected defense attorney in the local and national community and President of the New Orleans Metrovision.

    When we were trying to sell tickets prior to 3/15, why would he tell people - oh, if we come close it will be enough. That would be counter productive. The man responded to the recent reports of criticism and very pointedly said in response to that criticism that he spoke to those owners at the All Star Game and that we could quote it as fact that they told him, if you even come close we will look forward to playing in N.O. in 2002.

    Laugh it off if you want, but he was at the All Star game and spoke to these owners in the Commissioner's Suite. The more Charlotte dismisses and down plays the news out of N.O. - the greater their chances of loosing the team become (although it is pretty hard to get any worse that a 95-100% chance of relocation approval).

    Last edited by say-what-x; 03-18-2002 at 09:47 AM.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by say-what
    The more Charlotte dismisses and down plays the news out of N.O. - the greater their chances of loosing the team become (although it is pretty hard to get any worse that a 95-100% chance of relocation approval).
    I'm pretty sure my posting on the board does not effect the outcome of the move. I was just joking. Get over it.

  16. #16
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Believe me, Hines is a much more reputable and reliable source than a Charlotte restauranteur that the Charlotteans are putting so much belief in. He is much more reliable than Aldridge or Brown also. This guy is in the negotiations and discussions on a daily basis. I think he knows a little more about the situation than any of us do.

  17. #17
    Originally posted by HORNETSFAN
    Believe me, Hines is a much more reputable and reliable source than a Charlotte restauranteur that the Charlotteans are putting so much belief in. He is much more reliable than Aldridge or Brown also. This guy is in the negotiations and discussions on a daily basis. I think he knows a little more about the situation than any of us do.
    Who said Hines doesn't know what he's talking about? The point was his comments about getting the team seem to be more of a PR move than anything else.

  18. #18
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    The guy is a shaker in New Orleans business circles. He has played a very large role in the effort to bring the NBA back to NOLA. He doesn't get paid for his efforts. You guys can question him all you want. The man could care less. He is in this for the purpose of improving his city. THe only thing he loses if his efforts aren't successful is the time he put into this, but guess what? Even that is not a loss because this man is all about building relationships in New Orleans and making it a better place one small step at a time.

    I am not going to listen to anyone challenge this man's credibility anymore. You don't know what you are talking about.

    Time for some football!!!

  19. #19
    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet
    The guy is a shaker in New Orleans business circles. He has played a very large role in the effort to bring the NBA back to NOLA. He doesn't get paid for his efforts. You guys can question him all you want. The man could care less. He is in this for the purpose of improving his city. THe only thing he loses if his efforts aren't successful is the time he put into this, but guess what? Even that is not a loss because this man is all about building relationships in New Orleans and making it a better place one small step at a time.

    I am not going to listen to anyone challenge this man's credibility anymore. You don't know what you are talking about.
    Take it easy. Nobody is questioning his reputation. I'm sure he's not getting paid for making those statements. All he is trying to do is help improve his city. I never said there was anything wrong with it. But you are wrong about one point. He does benefit from all of this. He's not doing this because it just feels like the honorable thing to do, he's doing it to try to bring business/money to NO.

  20. #20
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    I never said there was anything wrong with it. But you are wrong about one point. He does benefit from all of this. He's not doing this because it just feels like the honorable thing to do, he's doing it to try to bring business/money to NO.
    If you didn't say it, then it doesn't apply to you, so you TAKE IT EASY. And, as usual, you have to go and disagree with someone. I don't know if you have ever agreed with anyone, other than maybe a CLT poster here or there. Not only does Hines potentially benefit from increased business in NOLA, but so does the whole city. It's called "trickle-down." If all you are going to do Izzy is disagree with everyone everytime then we are going to get absolutely nowhere. Goodbye!

  21. #21
    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet

    If you didn't say it, then it doesn't apply to you, so you TAKE IT EASY. And, as usual, you have to go and disagree with someone. I don't know if you have ever agreed with anyone, other than maybe a CLT poster here or there. Not only does Hines potentially benefit from increased business in NOLA, but so does the whole city. It's called "trickle-down." If all you are going to do Izzy is disagree with everyone everytime then we are going to get absolutely nowhere. Goodbye!

    Who is challenging his credibility?

  22. #22
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by izzydean

    Who is challenging his credibility?
    I am sure you can read as well as all of us. Check charlottewillke's post.

  23. #23

    Charlotte Envy's Bill Hines

    I am really happy that Hines appeared somewhat agitated last night. He is a man filled with emotion and energy. While he may be trying to "sell" tickets by his statements, New Orleans is the type of community that doesn't benefit from cynicism from the media and the press. We have waited too long for a big business like the Hornets to come because of the doubters and corruption within our city. The resources are here and we now have a leader with the intelligence, integrity, and energy to do something about it. Just as someone said, Hines gets nothing out of this, he makes no money from this deal, win or lose. You can see how much time it takes to be involved in a project of this magnitude and Hines has given all his effort at the same time trying to create a living for his family. I have a close friend who knows Hines well and says he is the hardest worker he has ever met. He says he stays at the office till 11:00 many times. I hope his family life stays in good shape because he truly deserves the best. Ignore all these Charlotte posts. They mean nothing and envy people like Hines. Oh and by the way Hines might get offfended if you called him a defense attorney, he is a corporate and international lawyer not a defense or plaintiffs.

  24. #24
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Re: Charlotte Envy's Bill Hines

    Originally posted by No1Hornet
    Oh and by the way Hines might get offfended if you called him a defense attorney, he is a corporate and international lawyer not a defense or plaintiffs.
    You are correct and I apologize to Mr. Hines. My dealings with his firm are when they have the role of defense lawyers and my mind locked on that little tid-bit of information. Did not mean to pigeon-hole him. The point I meant to make was that he usually represents businesses, is used to dealing with businessmen and capable of anticipating their needs, and to top it all off he is well respected by the business community and lawyers practicing in all fields.

    Any city would be proud to have an ambassador like Bill Hines to promote their economic growth.

  25. #25
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    Bill Hines is a partner in New Orleans' largest law firm; Jones, Walker, et al.

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