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Thread: Why I Hate National Media

  1. #1

    Rant Why I Hate National Media

    First things first, my apologies for not being on here more. I work nights and my schedule is pretty ridiculous, but I still take a little time to scroll through here. But I just wanted to vent about my growing distaste for national media. Every time our Pelicans are discussed, it's always the same thing. They immediately feel thst Davis and Cousins just don't work because they didn't win 30 games and upset the Warriors in the playoffs *Even I said we wouldn't make it. We were too far behind to catch up in my opinion.* No one took the time to notice that we had zero help on the wings. We had Hollis Thompson starting for Christ's sake. It just seems like no matter what we attempt to do, they just root for us to fail. The rumors of just giving away Cousins to Cleveland and AD to Boston are really irritating and I've had enough of it.

  2. #2
    Then don't give the national media your time and attention.

    Know who and what to read and who and what to avoid.

    It's only irritating if you care enough to read and react.

    "I'm not going to allow my putative owner to answer that question, this is an NBA related press conference. Paul Tagliabue and Roger Goodell have collectively sung their praises of Tom and if uh ESPN has a problem with that tell Mr. Skipper to call me at my office."

  3. #3
    There was also a time the national media felt Steph Curry and the Warriors would forever be an oft injuried bubble team.

    There was also a time the national media thought the Garnett/Pierce/Williams Nets would a force.

    The national media is very biased toward the status quo trends. Very few deviate in their status quo thinking. And the status quo bias says two bigs can’t be your core. If the Pelicans have a great season, a new status quo will emerge and all of the sudden the national media will run silly think pieces about who the next Big Man duo will be. How great the Pelicans can be, if the Pelicans just ushered in a new era, and how the media missed it. And on the latter, none of them will mention the fact that they miss it because they only assume what is true at the moment will be true indefinitely.

  4. #4
    Davis and Cousins each scored 20 points in the first half of last game

    If that isn't a good indicator, I don't know what is

    Good point about the status quo too Bronco

  5. #5
    The Franchise Contributor luigi modelo's Avatar
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    Yes Bronco!

  6. #6
    That Justin Verrier sure is a sell-out traitor

  7. #7
    Nobody should be considered a traitor or a hater because they don't think our team will be as good as we want them to be. The rumors are annoying and ridiculous, but so is railing against the media just because the consensus is that we won't be good. Zach Lowe is pretty much considered as non-biased and as intelligent and plugged in as it gets and he said he thought the AD/Boogie experiment would fail. That doesn't make him annoying, a hater, or a sell out. It means he used his thought and reasoned a conclusion. Vegas has us missing the playoffs. I am not as big on the Thunder as most people are. Does that make me a jerk? No, it means I looked at the evidence and I don't think they'll perform as well as people think, especially in the playoffs, and I think once Westbrook/Melo/George doesn't get the ball once in a crunch-time playoff game that they lose they'll collapse. Doesn't mean I have any ill-will toward the OKC franchise or hate them in any way. It's just an opinion. It gets annoying when writer after writer refuse to challenge the consensus and overlook our small team but it's not a huge deal. Nothing would shut them up like us making the playoffs.

    It seems like most people think we aren't making it. I think we have a real shot at making the playoffs and maybe being a fun team in the process.
    Quote Originally Posted by zakzak View Post
    that dumb Gentry killing Asik morale seriously man he is been good when you compare last season then suddenly he sits whole damn first half barely gets minutes what an idiot we need muscle wee need rebound he took of asik jones,ajinca they got no place on this team play Diallo at least he is decent.
    .......if healthy


  8. #8
    It's a small market without much recent history of success. Get used to it.

    Even if they start winning there will still be negative bias because people just aren't used to Pelicans=winners yet. It has to be conditioned with repetition. Yes most humans are just wired that way no matter how "thoughtful" and "well reasoned" they claim to be.

    Just go back to that '07 year. NO national media would give this team credit for being a top 3 seed until it was completely obvious. Even at the all-star break as the top team in the west, most of them opined that the Hornets would fall to middle of the playoff pack because supposedly, things were about to get real. Some even predicted a drop to a 6th seed or lower.

    No one remembers this? It's just the way they are and unfortunately, it leaks into the fanbase.

  9. #9
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! pelicanchamp's Avatar
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    Why I Hate National Media

    PELICANS are going to put things together. They have to. I think we will get really excited once we beat the warriors. I think we will beat the NBA down. We are innovators and this team is like no other. You can compare us to Memphis but we're way faster and more athletic than they were. Our pg is a wizard. Our PF is a prodigy. We have Memphis toughness and blue collar vibe but we have so much potential. I think Rondo will make the biggest difference.

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  10. #10
    SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! Imnos 2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N.O.Bronco View Post
    There was also a time the national media felt Steph Curry and the Warriors would forever be an oft injuried bubble team.

    There was also a time the national media thought the Garnett/Pierce/Williams Nets would a force.

    The national media is very biased toward the status quo trends. Very few deviate in their status quo thinking. And the status quo bias says two bigs can’t be your core. If the Pelicans have a great season, a new status quo will emerge and all of the sudden the national media will run silly think pieces about who the next Big Man duo will be. How great the Pelicans can be, if the Pelicans just ushered in a new era, and how the media missed it. And on the latter, none of them will mention the fact that they miss it because they only assume what is true at the moment will be true indefinitely.
    So true. And here is a big national media move: the Pels win a bunch of games and the media people will tout how they knew this would happen. "I called it" type stuff.

    On the flip side we have to prove ourselves and win.

  11. #11
    Saint Pelican of Mile High Contributor DefensiveMind's Avatar
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    Why I Hate National Media

    There's always a group of 5-7 teams and the Knicks, who get reasoned, fact based opinion pieces written about them. Everybody else gets surface-level analysis. Stick to the local guys. There's a ton of content out there to digest.

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  12. #12
    Small market teams generally only get attention if they have a) huge stars playing on them (OKC last year, Cleveland with LeBron) or b) if they are beating a team which normally gets media attention anyway.

    And frankly, it doesn't matter how much they win or lose. AD isn't a loudmouth, so we don't get media coverage. Boogie and Rondo will increase that coverage this year, but it will be negative due to their reputations.

    Even the Spurs, who are the quintessential successful small market team, get mentioned less than the perennial failure Lakers, and the useless Knicks. Despite having Kawhi, their media presence only kicked up once Kawhi was murdering Harden and in the playoffs when they were making the Warriors look pathetic. Otherwise it's radio silence except giving them a cursory acknowledgement in playoff lists.

  13. #13
    The media is strictly around for entertainment these days. Pay them no mind friend.

  14. #14
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    "Don't pay attention to the national media"

    But then we don't get clicks on sites. If we don't get clicks on sites we don't get positive news. If we don't get positive news the bandwagon fans won't buy our gear. If we don't generate revenue the fixed officiating won't go our way. If the rigged games don't go our way we get ignore and we don't get clicks!

  15. #15
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! kinglio21093's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N.O.Bronco View Post
    There was also a time the national media felt Steph Curry and the Warriors would forever be an oft injuried bubble team.

    There was also a time the national media thought the Garnett/Pierce/Williams Nets would a force.

    The national media is very biased toward the status quo trends. Very few deviate in their status quo thinking. And the status quo bias says two bigs can’t be your core. If the Pelicans have a great season, a new status quo will emerge and all of the sudden the national media will run silly think pieces about who the next Big Man duo will be. How great the Pelicans can be, if the Pelicans just ushered in a new era, and how the media missed it. And on the latter, none of them will mention the fact that they miss it because they only assume what is true at the moment will be true indefinitely.

    They're lazy and only watch the popular teams and big names. They don't do anything else.

  16. #16
    But our team is bad the way it is now. We simply can’t compete in the West with this team and coaching staff. That’s a fact. As to me if the NBA players begin that not standing crap and Lebron keeps making foolish statements, the media is the least of our problems. Next year our team will look very different and we’ll have a new coach and new GM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by specialman View Post
    But our team is bad the way it is now. We simply can’t compete in the West with this team and coaching staff. That’s a fact. As to me if the NBA players begin that not standing crap and Lebron keeps making foolish statements, the media is the least of our problems. Next year our team will look very different and we’ll have a new coach and new GM.
    Not to burst your bubble, but the protests aren't stopping anytime soon. So if you want to watch basketball, the NBA might not be your bag.

  18. #18
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by specialman View Post
    But our team is bad the way it is now. We simply can’t compete in the West with this team and coaching staff. That’s a fact. As to me if the NBA players begin that not standing crap and Lebron keeps making foolish statements, the media is the least of our problems. Next year our team will look very different and we’ll have a new coach and new GM.
    I agree that the media is the least of our problems...

    Everything else I don't think I could disagree more. Critical mass of disagreement.

  19. #19
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! pelicanchamp's Avatar
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    Pelicans will shock the league. WATCH.

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