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Thread: Win Predictions for Next Year

  1. #1
    Rookie PelsTakeFlight's Avatar
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    Win Predictions for Next Year

    I got laughed out of the room for saying that the Pelicans have a very good chance at the 3 seed and 55 wins next year. Am I the only one that thinks that 55 wins isn't that big of a reach considering what you're seeing these past 11 games with subpar role players?

    What are y'alls thoughts on that and where do you see the Pels next year?

  2. #2
    It doesn't make much sense to project until we know what the roster will actually look like going into next year.

    "I'm not going to allow my putative owner to answer that question, this is an NBA related press conference. Paul Tagliabue and Roger Goodell have collectively sung their praises of Tom and if uh ESPN has a problem with that tell Mr. Skipper to call me at my office."

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by PelsFan2313 View Post
    It doesn't make much sense to project until we know what the roster will actually look like going into next year.
    Exactly. Who knows who will even be on the roster, who will be coaching those players, or who will even be making player selections/signings? Also taking into account that this was an odd year when we weren't as injured as we are used to. All these things would have me bearish on making claims about next years results.
    If you Jimmer it, they will come.

  4. #4
    I have been saying 3rd-6th seed easily! Even with our current roster we have the talent to do it, but I'm pretty sure dell and gentry are gonna stay for another year, for the boogie re signing and the way we have been playing, only way I see them fired this offseason is if in these last few games we lay an egg and lose 4 or more which I don't see happening

  5. #5
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    50 wins. I'm not sure what seed that gets you, but this team should win 50 games next season.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Basketball Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captaustin View Post
    I have been saying 3rd-6th seed easily! Even with our current roster we have the talent to do it, but I'm pretty sure dell and gentry are gonna stay for another year, for the boogie re signing and the way we have been playing, only way I see them fired this offseason is if in these last few games we lay an egg and lose 4 or more which I don't see happening

    A number of posters thought that we would be a 3-6 seed team at the start of the season but a few of us knew we would not make the playoffs this season........today i think that if we would have not traded for boogie, i believe the team would have knock Portland out of the 8th seed for the playoffs.....

    Bottom line is, if this team dont make the playoffs then GM and coach are gone next year......

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rheem654 View Post

  9. #9
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! pelicanchamp's Avatar
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    We need a different player. Not Jrue. Don't overpay Jrue.

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  10. #10
    Did yesterday's performance look like a team still trying to make the playoffs as slim as the chances were?
    I think what we saw was a reflection of the coaching staff. Gentry has to go.....these guys are just not always prepared to play.

  11. #11
    Rookie PelsTakeFlight's Avatar
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    I think while yesterday's performance was disappointing, the bulls just had more to play for and came out and smacked us in the teeth and didn't look back. I think in moments like this you gotta step back and look at the big picture overall which has been an upward swing these last 12 games.

    I'm all for getting rid of gentry it's just that my biggest fear is making a lateral or even backward move just for the sake of change. I don't trust this front office to make a good decision for head coach. I was disappointed when they chose gentry and these joe dumars for gm rumors are just making me even more skeptical.

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  12. #12
    Rookie PelsTakeFlight's Avatar
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    I still feel that despite the coach next year the pelicans will make the playoffs, but in order to be really special they need a big step up from gentry.

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  13. #13
    Hall of Famer daybreaker's Avatar
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    If the roster doesnt get *worse*, we're at least at 45 wins

  14. #14
    Rookie PelsTakeFlight's Avatar
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    Hey guys, now that the roster has been pretty much settled, I thought now would be a good time to bring back this thread and get y'alls thoughts on it. I'm still thinking we get 50+ wins but I've always been a bit of an optimist. I'll go with the same prediction I made at the beginning, 55 wins but now that's probably a 4 seed.

  15. #15
    I'll guess 46 wins and 6 seed. But the good news is I think we get to second round at least. Too bad we aren't in the east. We would easily go 55 and be a 3 or 4 seed.

  16. #16
    I had initially thought we'd get 48 wins and probably sit at the 6th seed. For some reason my heart is telling me we can make 54 wins and get as high as fourth, but I'm not sure if I should believe it.

  17. #17
    I'm thinking 8th seed this season for us.

  18. #18
    The Franchise Big-EZ's Avatar
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    Accidentally logged into the wrong account. That is me above, not some guy who waited 7 years to finally make a post.

    I do think 8th seed just because we lack serious perimeter play compared to the rest of the league. Something miraculous will have to happen like the cap being expanded a lot and asik's contract disappearing to do anything next offseason to correct our problems.

    How will we retain Cousins and add talent? This is more appropriate to be discussed in another thread however.
    Formally known as WhoDatMan504

  19. #19

    I went game by game, considered other teams schedule's, b2bs, what kind of stretch they're in, resting etc. Was surprised record is so high after finishing, but with reasonable health they really should beat up on the east.

    Got them at 23-7 vs East, 33-19 vs West, but 13 of 33 are vs SAC, DAL, PHX, LAL. And I know they struggled vs bad teams in the past, but IMO most teams that do are bad-mediocre defensively/hurt/only one star. Pelicans should be top 10 defensively, health is a concern and they have two superstars. If they have reasonable health, top 10 defense and at least one of Boogie/AD and Jrue/Rondo show up think they should be fine. It also helps that 3/4 bad teams are blacklisted by Boogie (SAC & LAL), Rondo (DAL & LAL) so they'll be up for those games lol
    Last edited by IlCapitano; 09-21-2017 at 05:32 PM.

  20. #20
    Saint Pelican of Mile High Contributor DefensiveMind's Avatar
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    Two seed. 58-24. You heard it here first. If you think that's too high think about teams like Indiana, Chicago, and Memphis of the recent past. This team will rival them defensively and be better offensively.

    Write it in ink.

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  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by DefensiveMind View Post
    Two seed. 58-24. You heard it here first. If you think that's too high think about teams like Indiana, Chicago, and Memphis of the recent past. This team will rival them defensively and be better offensively.

    Write it in ink.

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    Love the confidence. We haven't fielded a team that good since the magical 07-08 roster. I think we'll finish closer to 45 wins when taking into account depth and potential injuries. Can't wait for the season to start.
    Last edited by PelsFan2313; 09-21-2017 at 07:11 PM.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by DefensiveMind View Post
    Two seed. 58-24. You heard it here first. If you think that's too high think about teams like Indiana, Chicago, and Memphis of the recent past. This team will rival them defensively and be better offensively.

    Write it in ink.

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    I'm not sure that I agree with quite that much positivity.

    Damn sure hope I'm wrong and you're right though.

  23. #23
    The Franchise pawel's Avatar
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    I don't like predictions, but...as every year I analyzed the calendar and I expected win total was 51.

    Before Solo injury.

    After Hill's injury we have signed Dante and Allen.

    My bold prediction for the season is 52-30 and 5th seed.

    Best case is 56-26 and 3-4th seed.

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