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Thread: Tyreke Evans tied for 11th in 3PT %

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Charlotte, NC

    Pelicans Tyreke Evans tied for 11th in 3PT %


    “It’s early,” Evans said, smiling. “I shoot three (three-pointers) a game, at the most. I think one game I shot five. But it’s just (a result) of shooting with confidence. Working with (Pelicans assistant coach Fred Vinson) in the offseason helped a lot, getting repetitions and shooting the same shot every time. It’s been working in the games. I just want to keep it up for the whole season.”

    When Vinson analyzed the mechanics of Evans’ shot last season, the player’s first with the Pelicans, the coach found several flaws that combined to prevent Evans from achieving consistency. For one, Evans was not squaring his feet up to the basket.

    “There’s a saying, ‘All 10 toes to the rim,’ ” Vinson said. “You build your shot from the feet up.”

    Evans also was not bending his knees – called “loading up” by coaches – when he took three-pointers or other deep jumpers. Just as damaging, he was holding the ball incorrectly and closing his fingers together as he released shots.

  2. #2
    Banned Kurgan's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    Having evans with a good 3 point shot will simply kill everyone on nba 2k. Jrue + evans + miller + ryno + davis? Kabooooom

  3. #3
    He also need to focus on finishing at the rim, for everyone's sake NOP need their layup king back.

    Off topic, he is an exceptional post up guard I don't remember seeing it this season. TE post up, AD on the weak side + RA/JH/Luke wait at the 3 = $

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    New Orleans, LA
    If he can start to finish at the rim again he will be deadly.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueJay View Post
    He also need to focus on finishing at the rim, for everyone's sake NOP need their layup king back.

    Off topic, he is an exceptional post up guard I don't remember seeing it this season. TE post up, AD on the weak side + RA/JH/Luke wait at the 3 = $
    Good point regarding posting up more often. I think the finishing at the rim will simply come back in time though. He's demonstrated in the past that he's more than capable of doing it -- sometimes you just fall into a slump.

  6. #6
    Would you guys rather have Tyreke that can finish at the rim but shoots threes like last year or Tyreke that can shoot 3s but finishes at the rim like Rubio

  7. #7
    I imagine he would be finishing at the rim a lot better vs guys like monta ellis and klay thompson than guys like rudy gay, MKG and draymond green.
    Last edited by HornetGuru; 11-21-2014 at 06:56 PM.

  8. #8
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    keep it up reke!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by HornetGuru View Post
    I imagine he would be finishing at the rim a lot better vs guys like monta ellis and klay thompson than guys like rudy gay, MKG and draymond green.
    Does Reke get to the rim with his handle or does he overpower his opponent?

  10. #10
    I expect Evans' percentage of layup makes to normalize in the direction of his career averages.

    I'm not sure how much of a regression to predict for his three point shot, though; his form (at least when he's set) is markedly different, so perhaps his early results are legit. Obviously regression is bound to occur, but I'm not sure how much.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by durun View Post
    Does Reke get to the rim with his handle or does he overpower his opponent?
    Well both, he has great handles for someone his size. Equal to guards smaller than him. He also uses his power since he is stronger than them. Vs smaller guards his combination to get by them with his handles and then over power them is what makes him so effective. Going against SF's limits his power advantage.

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