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Thread: Amnesty Question

  1. #1

    Amnesty Question

    Does anyone know how many amnesty-eligible guys are left in the NBA? Can't be too many cause I think the cutoff was in 2011. 2 years is a long time in NBA world.

    Given that probably everyone who is gonna get amnestied has been amnestied, do y'all think the league and the union ought to negotiate another amnesty period? It really helped teams clear some trash contracts off of their books, plus if everyone gets one do-over, it may lead teams to be willing to sign bigger contracts, which would be good for the union.

  2. #2

    Quite a few are eligible, but only 2-3 guys are players you'd think teams would be serious about using it for. But since they haven't done it yet, it's unlikely that they are going to.

  3. #3
    Carlos Boozer and Amare Stoudemire are the 2 most talked about potential amnesty targets. And the league and union will not negotiate anything of significance again until the lockout/strike of 2017 when players will use any leverage they have to get a share of the new TV deal that the league will receive 2-3 years from now. The CBA did include a Stretch provision which allows you to cut a player and then stretch out the cap hit over more years.

  4. #4
    NOLA Sports Addict Smow-'s Avatar
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    This article gives the closest to a list as possible.

    A second amnesty would certainly be welcome by plenty of GM's, but owners would wince at having to deal with another player they are paying not to play for them.
    Jrue dat

  5. #5
    Knicks already used the clause on Billups. If they could use it on Amare, they would have.

  6. #6
    my bad, but my statement was factually correct, people do talk about amnestying Amare often

  7. #7
    There have been rumblings that the Lakers may have to do away with Metta World Peace if they want to keep Dwight Howard and keep their tax bill low (dumping Pau would accomplish that too, but Peace is the name i keep reading). MWP may be an amnesty candidate. Whatever they have to pay him to go away will be much less than the $80 Million tax bill. Other than that on that list there just don't seem to be any guys where amnesty makes sense.

  8. #8
    Hall of Famer ScoutWithoutClout's Avatar
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    kobe maybe amnesty based on that new idiot running the lakers

  9. #9
    Looks like we are the only team that hasn't used the amnesty/doesn't have any more available candidates to be amnestied.

    Thank you Washington Wizards.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutWithoutClout View Post
    kobe maybe amnesty based on that new idiot running the lakers
    What new idiot running the Lakers? Mitch Kupchak is still there. Dr. Buss is dead so his son owns the team now, but i don't see how he constitutes being a "new idiot" So he didn't hire Phil Jackson. We have no way of knowing what exactly went down, but if there is a personal issue between Jackson and Buss, then why would you want to hire him...that would only lead to more drama. And, its not idiotic to say that the Lakers will no longer put itself in a situation to have an $80 Million luxury tax bill.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by cki3915 View Post
    What new idiot running the Lakers? Mitch Kupchak is still there. Dr. Buss is dead so his son owns the team now, but i don't see how he constitutes being a "new idiot" So he didn't hire Phil Jackson. We have no way of knowing what exactly went down, but if there is a personal issue between Jackson and Buss, then why would you want to hire him...that would only lead to more drama. And, its not idiotic to say that the Lakers will no longer put itself in a situation to have an $80 Million luxury tax bill.
    Think he is talking about Howard, but if not i agree with you.

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