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View Poll Results: Can the Hornets still make the Playoffs?

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  • YES!

    52 46.85%
  • NO WAY!

    59 53.15%
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Thread: Can the Hornets still make the Playoffs?

  1. #1

    Can the Hornets still make the Playoffs?

    9 games out the playoff hunt with a ton of ball left. 3-1 since EG's return.
    Just wanted to see what some thought. Felt like taking a poll for shiggles.

  2. #2
    Where is the... technically yes, but probably not. In the east, 9 games back is doable. People are talking about how Dallas and LA are not making it, and they are closer to .500 and the 8th seed.

  3. #3
    Clippers 27-8
    OKC 26-8
    SA 27-10
    Memphis 22-10
    Golden State 22-11
    Houston 20-14
    Portland 19-15
    Denver 20-16

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Inner_GI View Post
    Where is the... technically yes, but probably not. In the east, 9 games back is doable. People are talking about how Dallas and LA are not making it, and they are closer to .500 and the 8th seed.
    Like i said its just for fun. I agree its a long shot but hey "anything is possible"

  5. #5
    This has me thinking. What has been the biggest turnaround in a season to make the playoffs. 9 games back seems pretty big, but I wonder if it has been done before.

  6. #6
    not happening. teams like the Jazz & Lakers are going to have good second halves to the season. the Jazz tend to finish strong, i expect the blazers to fade but other than than them i see the other 7 teams being too good.

    the east is a joke, the magic are only 4 or 5 games back at 12 wins. absurd

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Inner_GI View Post
    This has me thinking. What has been the biggest turnaround in a season to make the playoffs. 9 games back seems pretty big, but I wonder if it has been done before.
    i'm sure it has, there's a lot of season left. i'd believe that a teams done it that's been back 9 at all star break but not sure if there's any substance to that

  8. #8
    I have my doubts about the "almighty" Lakers making the playoffs. They look pretty turrible.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by WhoDatHornet View Post
    I have my doubts about the "almighty" Lakers making the playoffs. They look pretty turrible.
    Not to mention that Howard and Gasol are out indefinitely.

    "I'm not going to allow my putative owner to answer that question, this is an NBA related press conference. Paul Tagliabue and Roger Goodell have collectively sung their praises of Tom and if uh ESPN has a problem with that tell Mr. Skipper to call me at my office."

  10. #10
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    If we go on a 20 game winning streak, we'll talk.

    Okay. Maybe not so extreme. But a 15-5 type stretch would certainly help a bundle.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    If we go on a 20 game winning streak, we'll talk.

    Okay. Maybe not so extreme. But a 15-5 type stretch would certainly help a bundle.
    Indeed indeed. I'll throw this in the pot.. We've beaten 2 of the top 3 teams in the league...? (one without EG) Eh? eh?
    okc and houston still seem to have our number though...hopefully we change that on wednesday.

  12. #12
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    They HAD our number. They haven't seen us at full strength yet.

  13. #13
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    Their should be a hell no option.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    They HAD our number. They haven't seen us at full strength yet.
    And they probably won't. Jason Smith's Shoulder looked pretty bad in the 4th quarter.

  15. #15
    The Franchise LoCo89's Avatar
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    I think its something around 47+ wins is what is needed for an 8th seed in the west. So, 36 out of the next 48 games or 75%, or basically keeping up with EJ's trend so far of 3-1. Thats pretty tough to do so I'm gonna go with probably not

    Mod over at reddit.com/r/NOLAPelicans

  16. #16
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    Mathematically, yes. Likely, nah prolly not. Would like to see it tho

  17. #17
    I wrote this about you Mr. West's Avatar
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    I don't see it at all.

  18. #18
    We have seen how poor this team is when one or two key pieces go down. We keep saying 3-1 and projecting that long term, but that means that you would have to project no injuries for the next 48 games. That is the part that is not likely. Could we make the playoffs if we turn injuries off somehow- maybe. But since this is the real world and not NBA 2K- zero percent chance

  19. #19

  20. #20
    NOLA Sports Addict Smow-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    We have seen how poor this team is when one or two key pieces go down. We keep saying 3-1 and projecting that long term, but that means that you would have to project no injuries for the next 48 games. That is the part that is not likely. Could we make the playoffs if we turn injuries off somehow- maybe. But since this is the real world and not NBA 2K- zero percent chance
    That sums up the team's main problem this year. Had at least Gordon been healthy all season we would be in the playoff race. We are essentially having an inverse season of last year's Timberwolves.
    Ofcourse the umbrella arguments of "injuries are a part of the game" and "well other teams would be ahead of us if they were 100% healthy too" can sadly be applied to this discussion.
    Jrue dat

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    They HAD our number. They haven't seen us at full strength yet.

    "I don't know if people know — I dislocated my pinkie finger. And [Tyreke] told me, 'You wanna go home or you wanna be here?' I want to be here. And he said, 'All right, then go tape it up and let's play. Let's go. We not stoppin' at no stores. Straight gas. That's what we do, just keep going.'"


  22. #22
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Bee-Fense's Avatar
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    Well, I voted no, but I think there is still a good chance that my original prediction of 35-47 could still come true.

    First and foremost, it will be dependent on how many games Gordon plays this season. If he misses another 10+ games, I think we're shot.

    But, our schedule so far has been ridiculous. We have had easily the toughest schedule and we've also faced major injuries to Gordon, Davis, and Jason Smith.

    Our schedule will lighten up after we're through with this month, the team will improve upon its chemistry, and the rooks will continue to adjust to the speed of the NBA.

    I think we've dug ourselves too much of a hole to make the playoffs, but I think we could end up going on a good run to end the year and have a respectable season (which will help attract free agents better than a 22-60 record would).

  23. #23
    Golden State and Portland are two teams I could see falling out of contention as the season progresses.

    Golden State because they have a lot of players who have an injury history and they are always one injury away from declining. I won't say they are a fluke though, because I consider Curry an Elite player with a pretty unique skill set, and if he could be healthy and GSW put a team around them like this they could compete for a championship.

    Portland because so much of their production comes from Lillard who may hit the rookie wall before the end of the season.

    Besides those 2 everyone else in the west is a virtual lock.

  24. #24
    Sorry, but I hope we don't make it. I want an good pick.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    I voted no.
    But its a catch 22 really.

    You want the team to win games because you want to see improvement.
    We want to show other free agents that the team has a winning mentality.
    Guy's like Gordon won't want to stick around if the team bottom's out every season just so we can get a high draft pick.

    I think we used all our luck so far on Anthony Davis.
    Where ever we land we land this year and aim to use the cap space to add the missing pieces.
    We cant rely on 1 or 5 players in the 2013 draft to be our saviour.

    I hope we keep winning!!!
    I think we will win 65% of our games from her on in, if they all stay healthy.
    Jason Smith is a concern though.

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