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Thread: NBA files for trademarks for the Hornets and the names are...

  1. #226

    NBA files for trademarks for the Hornets and the names are...

    Quote Originally Posted by Miss_318 View Post
    This movie....Swamp People...these types of shows and movies really make me mad because this is what people outside of Louisiana associate with the state....they actually think every person in Louisiana are exactly like these people. I know people in Louisiana....probably more so in NOLA....have this isolated "we don't care what other people think about us" mentality....but although I was born in Alexandria, Louisiana and consider it my home...I've lived/traveled all over the states/world (my dad was in the Army we lived in Germany from my Jr High School years thru my first 2 years of college). Its very unsettling how so many people think that Louisiana natives are all uneducated, racist, and poor. Its like we're cut off from the world....when I tell people I'm from Louisiana there are 2 things that automatically come out of their mouth

    1. Oh so you're from New Orleans (like NOLA is the ONLY place in Louisiana)

    2. Did your family make it out after Katrina...

    I kid you not....every. single. time.

    Its frustrating sometimes...because I'm proud of where I'm from but I also am not proud of the sterotypes that some in Louisiana seem so eager to exploit when there is so much more culture in the state that people don't know about. Thats why the name to me needs to not only resonate with the state but be something that doesn't make us look like we're perpetuating those negative backwoods stereotypes that everyone outside of our state perpetuates to the rest of the world. Thats why I feel more research and a more professional tone needs to be taken when trying to do this rebrand.

    But thats just me though....
    This sums up my thoughts pretty succinctly. Good Nicknames are supposed to "Represent" your state and/or region...Detroit - Pistons, Pittsburgh - Steelers, SF - 49ers, Los Angeles (Minneapolis) Lakers, lets tie into the parts of this culture that make us one of the most attractive tourist locations in the States.

    And miss me with the "We don't care what other people think" comments...

  2. #227
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    When I went on tour with the choir everyone we spoke to brought up Katrina. Can't help that I AM from New Orleans though, but that was the most common topic. I kept it brief. "We did alright." And went on to the next subject...which clearly didn't interest them much either, they got what they wanted.

    Nothing you can say, do, or think will change that. If they think we're a bunch of backwood hicks that speak like Cajun Larry the Cable Guys or something that eat alligators or whatever that are defined by something that happened 7 years ago, then that's their problem. Not ours.

    That's why I've adopted the screw what they think mentality. It's beating your head against the wall. Those people won't understand us. So let them wallow and think what they're gonna think because they're gonna do it anyway.

    You don't give US a name just so people will wonder why we didn't name ourselves something ignorant. You name us what you name is for OUR benefit.

  3. #228
    Quote Originally Posted by Sujaguar00 View Post
    And miss me with the "We don't care what other people think" comments...
    It always cracks me up when people make this comment about how they don't care what other people think.. Go look at SaintsReport and count the number of threads dedicated to the media not giving them a respectable amount of airtime. It's hilarious when you think about it... These fans strut around with this mentality that, because they are from the cultural epicenter of New Orleans, they should be different than the norm for professional sports franchises. and then when they don't get much coverage, they whine and cry about it like it's some kind of conspiracy against Nola.

    Never could understand this... Hearing someone say "This is NOLA baby! We don't do things like everybody else! We party in the streets before the game, during the game, and after the game!" and then the same person make a comment like, "Why does ESPN only show drunken idiots partying in the street during Saints games!!??"

    Make up your mind.. Do you want to be taken seriously as a team, or do you want to be known for being "different" -- which in this case would be having a team named after a mythical creature from cajun folklore that gets pronounced 5, spelled 10, and described 20 different ways.

  4. #229
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    Dude, that is a forum of thousands of people with thousands of different opinion. Two people who are best friends won't agree on everything, you think you're gonna get X1000 of that to decide whether they want ESPN to treat them different or not?

  5. #230
    On a permanent Holiday! Purple Haze's Avatar
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    Heart of the City

  6. #231
    Quote Originally Posted by Purple Haze View Post
    all i'm gonna say i'm pretty fly for a pelican
    "The pelican is fearsome. Take a raven, for example: it's omnivorous. It eats bugs, and seeds, and fruit, and carrion. Compared to the well-rounded citizen that is the raven, the pelican is the serial killer of birds." - Barry Petchesky, Deadspin

  7. #232
    i'd like rougarou a lot if the jerseys just say ROUX on the front

  8. #233
    I really love the idea of the name of the team being "The Roux," with the mascot being a rougarou.
    "Times are not good here. The city is crumbling into ashes. It has been buried under taxes and frauds and maladministraions so that it has become a study for archaeologists...but it is better to live here in sackcloth and ashes than to own the whole state of Ohio."

    — Lafcadio Hearn (Inventing New Orleans: Writings of Lafcadio Hearn)

  9. #234
    I just can't get behind the team being butter and flour. Just can't.
    Support Louisiana businesses.

  10. #235

  11. #236
    Quote Originally Posted by Broadmoor74 View Post
    I just can't get behind the team being butter and flour. Just can't.
    Sorry sweety but Roux is a big part of New Orleans cuisine, and food is a big part of New Orleans

  12. #237
    Irrational Optimist Contributor neworleanshoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjharris View Post
    Sorry sweety but Roux is a big part of New Orleans cuisine, and food is a big part of New Orleans
    then come up with a legitimate name referring to new orleans food.. that doesn't sound too WNBA-ish... and i'll get behind it.

    Not a make-believe mystical part-werewolf creature - unknown to 99% of the nation and over 90% of new orleans itself - with a name that sounds like baby-talk gobble-de-goop that just happens by sheer coincidence to be able to be shortened to something that's "a big part of new orleans cuisine." no.

  13. #238

    NBA files for trademarks for the Hornets and the names are...

    Quote Originally Posted by tjharris View Post
    Sorry sweety but Roux is a big part of New Orleans cuisine, and food is a big part of New Orleans
    I hope your a girl

  14. #239
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    NBA files for trademarks for the Hornets and the names are...

    Quote Originally Posted by neworleanshoo View Post
    then come up with a legitimate name referring to new orleans food.. that doesn't sound too WNBA-ish... and i'll get behind it.

    Not a make-believe mystical part-werewolf creature - unknown to 99% of the nation and over 90% of new orleans itself - with a name that sounds like baby-talk gobble-de-goop that just happens by sheer coincidence to be able to be shortened to something that's "a big part of new orleans cuisine." no.
    I don't think Benson really cares what you think.

  15. #240

    NBA files for trademarks for the Hornets and the names are...

    Quote Originally Posted by RaisingTheBrow View Post
    I don't think Benson really cares what you think.
    This is flawed statement on the surface. If you're talking about a specific person, yes. But Tom Benson absolutely cares about how this rebrand will SELL. Don't ever forget that this is a business venture for Mr. Benson...

  16. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by Sujaguar00 View Post
    This is flawed statement on the surface. If you're talking about a specific person, yes. But Tom Benson absolutely cares about how this rebrand will SELL. Don't ever forget that this is a business venture for Mr. Benson...

  17. #242
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neworleanshoo View Post
    then come up with a legitimate name referring to new orleans food.. that doesn't sound too WNBA-ish... and i'll get behind it.

    Not a make-believe mystical part-werewolf creature - unknown to 99% of the nation and over 90% of new orleans itself - with a name that sounds like baby-talk gobble-de-goop that just happens by sheer coincidence to be able to be shortened to something that's "a big part of new orleans cuisine." no.
    WNBA-ish. Gotta love that ol' song and dance.

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