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Thread: AD next to Tyson!? Love it? Hate it? Explain!

  1. #1
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Team USA AD next to Tyson!? Love it? Hate it? Explain!

    If the Knicks wanted to salary dump Tyson next year, would anybody else be in for bringing him back next to Davis? After reading how Tyson taught and mentored Davis every practice and even worked with him after I would be all for it! He has always loved New Orleans just didn't like how he was treated when traded. It is a new regime so all of that wouldn't even matter. Davis and Tyson would be an elite big man combo. It would bring him and the team along so well in terms of defense. He would bring that veteran leadership and championship experience we are in need of. If Knicks are knocked out 1st round in NY, it is inevitable media calls for people's heads and some players are moved. Let me know what packages it would take or just straight up don't want him.

  2. #2
    Why would they dump Tyson? He's playing great.

  3. #3
    IM WINNING B504ever's Avatar
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    They will dump Amar'e Stoudemire before they dump Tyson.

  4. #4
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zach Leto View Post
    Why would they dump Tyson? He's playing great.
    If they get beat again its just nature of the beast in NY. They will dump anybody but Carmelo. Amare will be impossible to move. They can't afford to sign anybody else with that big 3. If we could give them Lopez who is a serviceable center and sign a good veteran for cheap then they can afford to go after Cp3 or maybe someone else.

  5. #5
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    I doubt they will dump him, but he is on a big contract. If they need to make a run a Cp3 even though Tyson would be a reason he comes they can't afford him. Amare will not be moved without taking tons of salary on. Just throwing it out seeing if anyone would be for it. Not a strong possibility, but if someone out there were to make the move we would be best suited and capable with cap. I know it's wishful thinking just wondering how others would feel and what we would give up or be willing to.

  6. #6
    Enjoys Waffles P Raff's Avatar
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    So he is an elite defender with a slightly above average offensive game. He's 30 years old, and has 2 years left on his contract, 14 mil for 2013 and 14.5 mill for 2014.

    Having said that, if I could get him without giving up too much, I do it in a second. I'm not one to propose trades, so I'll let other people do that. Let's see what the board can think of.
    "Every fight is a food fight when you're a cannibal."- Demetri Martin


  7. #7
    If they are looking for a straight up salary dump, we can absorb Chandler's salary fully. If they want some young players they think they can mold into role players, we can give them both Aminu and Henry. If they want a cheap replacement center, we can give them Lopez.

    Obviously, the above suggestions are based on them trying to dump salary because they are paying major tax dollars.

  8. #8
    Trade 1: We get Tyson Chandler, and NYK gets Aminu + our 1st round pick. NYK get to dump major salary, they get a defensive role player in Aminu, and a 1st round pick as a cheap option to add to the mix. This only works if we do it at the end of the season once Rashard Lewis' salary comes off the books.

    Trade 2: We get Bledsoe and Caron Butler, and LAC gets Lopez and Henry. Henry gives them a cheap option at backup SG, and Lopez starts over Jordan. They need Center depth to get through the west. We take on Butlers horrible contract sort of as a salary dump.


    PG - Bledsoe, Rivers, Roberts
    SG - Gordon, Rivers
    SF - Butler, Miller
    PF - Davis, Anderson, Thomas
    C - Chandler, JSmith
    Last edited by nolaslim213; 12-19-2012 at 09:27 PM.

  9. #9
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    I'd LOVE to get Chandler back. But I don't see them letting Chandler go. He's been behind the Knicks huge defensive resurgence.

    Well, that and not having silly ol' D'Antoni at coach anymore.

  10. #10
    Chandler's one of the best defenders in the NBA and anchors a resurgent Knicks defense. He shot 68% from the field last year, and is shooting 71% from the field this year. The Knicks are 19-6, the best in the east, and the second best in the league.

    I guess if we're dreaming, I would rather trade for LeBron or Durant than Chandler.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by greewe View Post
    Chandler's one of the best defenders in the NBA and anchors a resurgent Knicks defense. He shot 68% from the field last year, and is shooting 71% from the field this year. The Knicks are 19-6, the best in the east, and the second best in the league.

    I guess if we're dreaming, I would rather trade for LeBron or Durant than Chandler.
    You are just being cynical. The whole premise of the thread, which the OP clearly outlines in his 1st sentence, is that the Knicks would be trying to dump salary. They aren't trading Melo. Stoudemire is the single most untradeable contract in the NBA considering his injury history. Tyson is the only other candidate.

    Don't be that way man. We don't need that **** cluttering this board.

  12. #12
    Max Contract Pelicans78's Avatar
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    The Knicks aren't gonna dump Chandler anytime soon. They're a contender right now and for the near future. That team would fall apart without Chandler just like the Mavs and the Hornets did.

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  13. #13
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nolaslim213 View Post
    Trade 1: We get Tyson Chandler, and NYK gets Aminu + our 1st round pick. NYK get to dump major salary, they get a defensive role player in Aminu, and a 1st round pick as a cheap option to add to the mix. This only works if we do it at the end of the season once Rashard Lewis' salary comes off the books.

    Trade 2: We get Bledsoe and Caron Butler, and LAC gets Lopez and Henry. Henry gives them a cheap option at backup SG, and Lopez starts over Jordan. They need Center depth to get through the west. We take on Butlers horrible contract sort of as a salary dump.


    PG - Bledsoe, Rivers, Roberts
    SG - Gordon, Rivers
    SF - Butler, Miller
    PF - Davis, Anderson, Thomas
    C - Chandler, JSmith
    This is what I was looking for! Nice trade idea and could be a possibility. After trades I have seen in the NBA in recent years go for almost nothing and teams dumping players you wouldn't believe even when they are good. Then you see some things Dell has done and he is always working exploring all options honestly you just never know. We have so much flexibility and in pieces to offer while being able to absorb a 3rd team deal. Let them dump a player and give Knicks something. Thanks for nice proposal would absolutely love Bledsoe that's who I'm really looking for.

  14. #14
    Max Contract Pelicans78's Avatar
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    Why are the Knicks dumping salary again?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Hornets78 View Post
    Why are the Knicks dumping salary again?
    They're not. And if they were, Chandler would net a lot more than anything the Hornets can give up that's not named Anthony Davis or Ryan Anderson. Chandler's one of the best players in the league, and he's played out of his mind for the two seasons he's been in New York.

  16. #16
    All-Star Ball Boy Nsingh93's Avatar
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    AD next to Tyson!? Love it? Hate it? Explain!

    Quote Originally Posted by nolaslim213 View Post
    Trade 1: We get Tyson Chandler, and NYK gets Aminu + our 1st round pick. NYK get to dump major salary, they get a defensive role player in Aminu, and a 1st round pick as a cheap option to add to the mix. This only works if we do it at the end of the season once Rashard Lewis' salary comes off the books.

    Trade 2: We get Bledsoe and Caron Butler, and LAC gets Lopez and Henry. Henry gives them a cheap option at backup SG, and Lopez starts over Jordan. They need Center depth to get through the west. We take on Butlers horrible contract sort of as a salary dump.


    PG - Bledsoe, Rivers, Roberts
    SG - Gordon, Rivers
    SF - Butler, Miller
    PF - Davis, Anderson, Thomas
    C - Chandler, JSmith
    So since this is all hypothetical talk, if NYK does get rid of Chandler to make cap space and pursue Paul, which is the only way I see them trying to move their best big man,Now lets say they do why would LA trade it's only potential filled PG and experienced SF?

    Anyway if it was clear NYK was pursuing Paul and he had no intention of returning to LA, i would think NYK would end up trading Chandler, Felton and a pick for Paul or something along that line.

  17. #17

    AD next to Tyson!? Love it? Hate it? Explain!

    I agree w/ 93, the Clippers don't trade Bledsoe for a back-up 5 (I think Jordan still starts if they make the deal w/ us you propose) and a STUGGLING tweener (Henry). And Butler is a good defender that can knock down an open three and is tough a nails.

    I like the idea of upgrading at the PG position, but those two assets (Bledsoe and Butler) will cost us more that Lopez and Henry.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by nolaslim213 View Post
    You are just being cynical. The whole premise of the thread, which the OP clearly outlines in his 1st sentence, is that the Knicks would be trying to dump salary. They aren't trading Melo. Stoudemire is the single most untradeable contract in the NBA considering his injury history. Tyson is the only other candidate.

    Don't be that way man. We don't need that **** cluttering this board.
    I'm not being cynical. I'm being educated. What evidence do we have that the Knicks, the highest-revenue team in the NBA (http://www.forbes.com/nba-valuations/list/#p_1_s_d5_), want to "dump salary," when they are finally contenders for the first time in what feels like forever? Especially when Tyson Chandler is one of the biggest reasons they are finally contenders. It makes zero sense.

    If the Knicks ever need to "dump" Chandler, they could do better than what the Hornets could possibly offer. If you showed this thread to Knicks fans, they would die laughing. Tyson Chandler for Aminu and Henry? It's akin to Lakers fans posting threads about how we'll give them Ryan Anderson for their peanuts.

    I don't think my objective, realistic post is what's cluttering the board.
    Last edited by greewe; 12-20-2012 at 10:52 AM.

  19. #19
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    100% agree with greewe.

    WTH would the Knicks dump salary of a piece that ignites defense for their team?

    Aminu + Henry/Lopez + Henry/Vasquez + Aminu won't amount squat. Aminu may be expiring, but he's riding the bench. We couldn't even dump Kaman last year for anything... and he actually brought value to the team. Henry is BLAH at best.

  20. #20
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    btw LOL @ Lopez and Henry netting us Butler and Bledsoe.

    Pipedreams, at best.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by greewe View Post
    I'm not being cynical. I'm being educated. What evidence do we have that the Knicks, the highest-revenue team in the NBA (http://www.forbes.com/nba-valuations/list/#p_1_s_d5_), want to "dump salary," when they are finally contenders for the first time in what feels like forever? Especially when Tyson Chandler is one of the biggest reasons they are finally contenders. It makes zero sense.

    If the Knicks ever need to "dump" Chandler, they could do better than what the Hornets could possibly offer. If you showed this thread to Knicks fans, they would die laughing. Tyson Chandler for Aminu and Henry? It's akin to Lakers fans posting threads about how we'll give them Ryan Anderson for their peanuts.

    I don't think my objective, realistic post is what's cluttering the board.
    Now you're being self-righteous. The first part of your post wasn't bad. It's pretty similar to the other people in this thread who think the Knicks will never dump Chandler. That is a perfectly valid opinion, and I have no problem with that. My problem comes when you post your ridiculous "I guess while we're dreaming.... blah blah blah." That stuff just incites animosity, and there is already enough of that on this board. No need for that BS.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by IamQuailman View Post
    btw LOL @ Lopez and Henry netting us Butler and Bledsoe.

    Pipedreams, at best.
    As of right now, Lopez, by himself, is easily worth more to the Clippers than Bledsoe is - especially once Billups comes back. Lopez has been very good for us since he came here, but we have a wealth of big men between Davis, Anderson, and JSmith. It's just a reallocation of assets from a position of strength to a position of need.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by nolaslim213 View Post
    As of right now, Lopez, by himself, is easily worth more to the Clippers than Bledsoe is - especially once Billups comes back. Lopez has been very good for us since he came here, but we have a wealth of big men between Davis, Anderson, and JSmith. It's just a reallocation of assets from a position of strength to a position of need.
    I do not see our "wealth" of big men. Without Lopez we really only have one big man in Davis and he is still working on bulking up.

    I like having Lopez take all the beatings down low for Davis.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Inner_GI View Post
    I do not see our "wealth" of big men. Without Lopez we really only have one big man in Davis and he is still working on bulking up.

    I like having Lopez take all the beatings down low for Davis.
    Davis never defends the opposing team's center. If it isn't Lopez, it's either Anderson or Jason Smith. The only time Davis defends the opposing Center is when they go small, or when we have a defensive rotation, and he has to slide over. Plus, we can add another guy during the off season if we want. Doesn't even have to be an elite player. Just someone who can give us 10 solid minutes a night. If Davis and Anderson give us 35 minutes a night, and Smith gives us 20 a night, then we're good at the position. Thomas is the 4th big in the rotation.

  25. #25
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by B504ever View Post
    They will dump Amar'e Stoudemire before they dump Tyson.
    Anyone want Amare?

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