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Thread: Trading Zion

  1. #1
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Trading Zion

    Let's assume the Pels win the lottery.

    Let's assume Rich Paul reps Zion and is attempting to steer him away from Pelicans (denying draft workouts, saying he will sign qualifying offer after rookie contract).

    What would it take for you to consider trading the #1 pick, i.e. Zion Williamson?

  2. #2
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    I cannot see the Pelicans trading him as he is probably the most marketable option this team has right now.

  3. #3
    Let me preface my answer by saying that I don't believe this scenario is at all likely. I'm just speculating on the hypothetical because it's kind of fun, I don't think this will happen at all.

    But I'd still just draft him anyway. Zion strikes me as the kind of guy who can make his own decisions, and also as the kind of guy who wouldn't be willing to take somebody else's word on faith about threatening to sit or something. I think he would play, and play hard, because that's the kind of guy who he seems to be, and we would have enough years to convince him to stay.

    AD wants to leave for a bunch of reasons. Chief amongst them are the fact that he hasn't had any sustained success, and also the fact that Rich Paul and Lebron want AD in Los Angeles.

    Zion wouldn't have that first problem (at least not immediately) because in his rookie year, he hasn't had any TIME to have sustained anything, so that judgement will always come later. And as much as I think Zion has generational-talent potential, I don't see a 35/36 year old Lebron breaking his back to try and play with an unproven rookie.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Let me preface my answer by saying that I don't believe this scenario is at all likely. I'm just speculating on the hypothetical because it's kind of fun, I don't think this will happen at all.

    But I'd still just draft him anyway. Zion strikes me as the kind of guy who can make his own decisions, and also as the kind of guy who wouldn't be willing to take somebody else's word on faith about threatening to sit or something. I think he would play, and play hard, because that's the kind of guy who he seems to be, and we would have enough years to convince him to stay.

    AD wants to leave for a bunch of reasons. Chief amongst them are the fact that he hasn't had any sustained success, and also the fact that Rich Paul and Lebron want AD in Los Angeles.

    Zion wouldn't have that first problem (at least not immediately) because in his rookie year, he hasn't had any TIME to have sustained anything, so that judgement will always come later. And as much as I think Zion has generational-talent potential, I don't see a 35/36 year old Lebron breaking his back to try and play with an unproven rookie.
    Yeah AD was that guy too.
    Remember Gentry compared him to Duncan?
    People change.
    Human's are arseholes.

  5. #5
    I wouldn't trade Zion. He could do whatever he wants but I'd still draft him.

    However, I don't think we'd have that issue because I don't think Zion would hire Rich. Too many agents are going to use the way this AD situation played out to try and damage Rich and with good reason.

    Even if Zion did pick him, I don't see Zion as a Beta like AD.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by AUSSIE_PELICAN View Post
    Yeah AD was that guy too.
    Remember Gentry compared him to Duncan?
    People change.
    Human's are arseholes.
    Yeah, but if you walk into any professional decision assuming that everyone on the planet is a total conniving jerk who is just looking to stab you in the back at every opportunity, you'll probably make very few allies and meet with very little success.

    I'm not saying that there's ZERO chance Zion could be another AD situation. It's perfectly possible that he gets that first NBA paycheck and then decides that now that he's cashed in a little, he can demand a trade to wherever as a rookie and refuse to play until it happens. It's possible, sure.

    But if you work on the assumption that that's going to happen, why even bother?

  7. #7
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Let me preface my answer by saying that I don't believe this scenario is at all likely. I'm just speculating on the hypothetical because it's kind of fun, I don't think this will happen at all.

    But I'd still just draft him anyway. Zion strikes me as the kind of guy who can make his own decisions, and also as the kind of guy who wouldn't be willing to take somebody else's word on faith about threatening to sit or something. I think he would play, and play hard, because that's the kind of guy who he seems to be, and we would have enough years to convince him to stay.

    AD wants to leave for a bunch of reasons. Chief amongst them are the fact that he hasn't had any sustained success, and also the fact that Rich Paul and Lebron want AD in Los Angeles.

    Zion wouldn't have that first problem (at least not immediately) because in his rookie year, he hasn't had any TIME to have sustained anything, so that judgement will always come later. And as much as I think Zion has generational-talent potential, I don't see a 35/36 year old Lebron breaking his back to try and play with an unproven rookie.
    I don't know what kind of guy Zion is. He's 18. He doesn't know what kind of guy he is yet, tbh.

    AD wanted to be in LA, that's why he hired Rich Paul. I think we shouldn't excuse or diminish AD like he has no ownership of this situation. His desire to be in LA led him to Rich, not the other way around.

    ...But that wasn't really the point. I'm really just trying to see what kind of offers we'd have to get to consider trading Zion. Everyone in sports should have a value and a price. What's Zion's?

  8. #8
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    No, just stop.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    I don't know what kind of guy Zion is. He's 18. He doesn't know what kind of guy he is yet, tbh.
    ...But that wasn't really the point. I'm really just trying to see what kind of offers we'd have to get to consider trading Zion. Everyone in sports should have a value and a price. What's Zion's?
    By what kind of guy Zion is, I mean what kind of guy he appears to be right now. He could be a completely different person in a couple of years, or he could be secretly a completely different person right now. I'm totally open to that possibility, I'm just going off the information we have right now.

    It's all well and good saying that AD wanted to be in LA, but why does he want to be in LA? He didn't want to be in LA a few years ago when he signed his second deal with us. So something changed. If it's the fact that he hates New Orleans all of a sudden then sure, but it's far more likely that either he's decided that he's not going to win here and wants to go play with Lebron, which is a pretty safe formula for NBA success, or he's been convinced by Rich Paul and Lebron that leaving will be best for him. In either case, my points stand.

    Honestly, the minimum starting point for getting to trade Zion would feature Giannis. A Giannis who says to me, in his own words, that he's happy to play in New Orleans long term. That's like, a minimum. I'm not picking up the phone for less.

  10. #10
    Lebron will be in a wheelchair before Zion has any leverage to begin with. Rich Paul won’t have a say in his future either for the first 4 years. I’m not concerned at all

  11. #11
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Are you all basically saying that there is no trade package the Pelicans could be presented with that would be worth trading Zion? That's surprising.

    If Knicks landed at 3, and wanted to move up, you wouldn't trade Zion for a shot at RJ/Ja, a couple of future picks, and Kevin Knox?

    What if Chicago lands at 5, and they offer you Markkanen and the 5th pick, and 2020 first rounder?
    Last edited by NMThreeMVP; 02-15-2019 at 04:30 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    Are you all basically saying that there is no trade package the Pelicans could be presented with that would be worth trading Zion? That's surprising.

    If Knicks landed at 3, and wanted to move up, you wouldn't trade Zion for a shot at RJ/Ja, a couple of future picks, and Kevin Knox?

    What if Chicago lands at 5, and they offer you Markkanen and the 5th pick, and 2020 first rounder?
    I'd say no to both.

  13. #13
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    I'd say no to both.
    Is there anything (outside of Luka and Giannis) you'd say yes to?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    Is there anything (outside of Luka and Giannis) you'd say yes to?
    Not that I can think of right now. It's possible there is something else, but it's not coming to mind.

    Even if there was that roadblock, we'd have multiple years to create a culture and an environment that could change Zion's mind. That could be a franchise defining process, if he ended up staying. Yes it would be a risk, but it would be a risk with the potential for a monumental reward.

    To get me to give up that chance, I would require a monumental return that would have an equal (or near equal) chance to completely define the future of the franchise, over a long period of time. I'm not picking up the phone for a sign-and-trade with Durant, even. Giannis is my starting line.

  15. #15
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Not that I can think of right now. It's possible there is something else, but it's not coming to mind.

    Even if there was that roadblock, we'd have multiple years to create a culture and an environment that could change Zion's mind. That could be a franchise defining process, if he ended up staying. Yes it would be a risk, but it would be a risk with the potential for a monumental reward.

    To get me to give up that chance, I would require a monumental return that would have an equal (or near equal) chance to completely define the future of the franchise, over a long period of time. I'm not picking up the phone for a sign-and-trade with Durant, even. Giannis is my starting line.
    Looking at who has multiple picks and young assets, I can't really find a trade partner either. I'm not opposed to the idea if the trade is right, but it would have to be something akin to what we'e asking for Davis, and there just aren't that many trade partners. I find myself staring at only the Clippers, Celtics, and Knicks again... with Denver and Phoenix as long shots. Denver could put Porter Jr., Murray and future 1st into the deal. Phoenix would have to hope their pick landed in top 4, and they'd have to include a future pick, and a young asset like Bridges.

    It does raise the question of whether any other team that wins the lottery, like the Knicks, would make a similar judgement and not trade Zion.

  16. #16
    I'd say yes for Luka. I don't think there's another deal a team could put together that I would take.

    His value comes from also putting butts in seats too and getting people excited for basketball.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    Looking at who has multiple picks and young assets, I can't really find a trade partner either. I'm not opposed to the idea if the trade is right, but it would have to be something akin to what we'e asking for Davis, and there just aren't that many trade partners. I find myself staring at only the Clippers, Celtics, and Knicks again... with Denver and Phoenix as long shots. Denver could put Porter Jr., Murray and future 1st into the deal. Phoenix would have to hope their pick landed in top 4, and they'd have to include a future pick, and a young asset like Bridges.

    It does raise the question of whether any other team that wins the lottery, like the Knicks, would make a similar judgement and not trade Zion.
    If you're the Knicks, acquiring Davis comes with a fairly strong chance to land Kyrie and KD as well.

    If there's a team out there that can trade me Davis, KD, and Kyrie for Zion, then I'll consider.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    Are you all basically saying that there is no trade package the Pelicans could be presented with that would be worth trading Zion? That's surprising.

    If Knicks landed at 3, and wanted to move up, you wouldn't trade Zion for a shot at RJ/Ja, a couple of future picks, and Kevin Knox?

    What if Chicago lands at 5, and they offer you Markkanen and the 5th pick, and 2020 first rounder?

    I'd go back if I could get ja morant plus picks n players...he'll yes. I think in this day and age a team is better equipped for the future with an All-Star point guard rather than zion

  19. #19
    The Franchise    Contributor   

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    side point first - if Zion would hire Rich Paul, Paul (and AD's) problem was with Dell, not NOLA, not Gayle, so if he is dealing with, just for example, David Griffin, instead of Dell, I dont think it would be a problem except for the hard core fans - like us.
    but to the original question, there is only one circumstance where I would consider trading the #1 pick, and that's if AD would stay. And even then, I'm not sure. Not that AD would stay to play with Zion, but if the Pels won the #1 and AD says 'trade Zion for Beal and wahtever' or 'DJ/Knox and #3' or whatever, then that's an iteresting scenario. AD+Jrue+your favorite deal could be something good enough to become interesting. I haven't looked in to it enough to know what that would be, but we've got like 5 months to kill thinking about wildly unlikely things, so why not... AD comes out and says 'I've always loved it here and wanted it to work here, but didn't think previous management to get it done, I'm so grateful that now we've got a chance to make that happen' and most fans will instantly forgive him. It'll never happen, but while we're considering what you'd trade Zion for to rebuild without AD, may as well think about this one too...

  20. #20
    ...we get to go McDonalds
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    I guess the odd scenario where AD stays is if we luck into Zion and the deal is agreed to with the Celtics. From Lebrons point of view, AD is best staying put in Nola cause AD on a next super team would screw Lebron.

  21. #21
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! pelicanchamp's Avatar
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    If you win the lotto you keep Zion. Trade AD to Knicks for RJ Barret, Knox, Dennis Smith and 2021 1st 2023 1st

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by pelicanchamp View Post
    If you win the lotto you keep Zion. Trade AD to Knicks for RJ Barret, Knox, Dennis Smith and 2021 1st 2023 1st

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    If we won I'd probably do the Boston trade to have a core of Jrue, Tatum, Smart, and Zion.

  23. #23
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Tinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    If we won I'd probably do the Boston trade to have a core of Jrue, Tatum, Smart, and Zion.
    Man,I dont know. We could get DSJ, Knox, Ntilikina, Mitchell & Knicks #2 or #3 (Barrett or Morant) Although not a fan of Barrett + futures. Thats a nice haul. JRUE, ZION, DSJ, Barrett (or whoever REDDISH), KNOX, Ntilikina, Mitchell, Randle, Jah, Kenny Hustle & Frank.
    Not a bad young team & JRUE !

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by pelicanchamp View Post
    If you win the lotto you keep Zion. Trade AD to Knicks for RJ Barret, Knox, Dennis Smith and 2021 1st 2023 1st

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    We didn't win the lottery with better odds in 2016, we're not winning it now

    AD said he'd go to 29 teams, that's our best bet of landing pick 1

  25. #25
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Tinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AusPel View Post
    We didn't win the lottery with better odds in 2016, we're not winning it now

    AD said he'd go to 29 teams, that's our best bet of landing pick 1
    David Griffin .

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