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Thread: Warriors vs Pelicans Game 2 Playoffs Thread

  1. #1

    Pelicans Warriors vs Pelicans Game 2 Playoffs Thread

    Let us get this one tonight. Go Pels!

  2. #2
    Pelicans 110-109!!! Go Pelicans!!!

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    We get blown out and hope for a reboot at home.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 4Real View Post
    The more times you watch this, the more ridiculous it becomes.

  6. #6
    In on first page, GO PELS, we had some momentum to end game 1, here's to us continuing in game 2

  7. #7
    Hot Off The Bench! BigEasyHornets's Avatar
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    Lets play the next four quarters like we played the last one!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asteptooslow View Post
    We get blown out and hope for a reboot at home.
    Just kidding I always think we are going to win.

  9. #9
    Let's hope the guys did their film study and learn from their mistakes. If they do, we can win this.

  10. #10
    I don't care about pleasing Asik, AD needs to start a center. GSW becomes vulnerable on D when Bogut is taken out the game and there is no way he can guard AD and it open up penetration for our guards.


  11. #11
    We should start


  12. #12
    We will win this tonight. That 4th quarter gave this teams the confidence it needed and it gave AD the confidence to know he can take over games. Holiday, Gordon, Davis, Asik all struggled throughout that game (aside from Ads 4th quarter outburst of course) and yet we still had plenty of moments where we made runs and could have taken control of that game. I expect to see a much better Holiday and Asik and I fully expect AD to impose his will from start to finish.

    IMO we need to let Steph Curry get his. Let him get his 30-35, just stay at home on Green, Barnes and especially Thompson. Too many times help defenders were watching Curry or flinching to his every move and giving up open inside and outside look to other warriors.

    I also hope we see a bit more Ajinca if we have a lead because I don't think Golden States 2nd unit has any way of stopping him.

    Golden State is beatable, they are a good team but they have their weaknesses and I think we we expose them tonight

  13. #13
    Rookie Vetler's Avatar
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    Evans AND Holiday are game time decisions for tonight

  14. #14
    Jrue Holiday needs to man up. I'm sorry but the guy has a glorified shin splint that he has been complaining about for 2 years now. The guy already took the most drastic approach to put a metal rod in his leg for a stress reaction and I'm wouldn't be shocked if the team isn't a little tired of his complaining about soreness by now.

  15. #15
    Saint Pelican of Mile High Contributor DefensiveMind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hornetstime247 View Post
    Jrue Holiday needs to man up. I'm sorry but the guy has a glorified shin splint that he has been complaining about for 2 years now. The guy already took the most drastic approach to put a metal rod in his leg for a stress reaction and I'm wouldn't be shocked if the team isn't a little tired of his complaining about soreness by now.
    Thankfully, most of us here have more respect for what the guy is going through than you do.

  16. #16
    The Franchise Contributor luigi modelo's Avatar
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    glorified shin splint!? Riiiight! Any other amazing insight that you'd like to add, Hornetstime247?

  17. #17
    Warriors 117 Pellies 89
    "The only thing Ryno stretches is the 0's on the stat sheet." - BallSoHard

  18. #18
    I've had both shin splints and a stress fracture and comparing one to the other is like saying touching your finger on a hot toaster is the same thing as third degree burns. Shin splints are sore and a bit tender to the touch. With a stress fracture you're hopping to the bathroom in the morning on one foot...

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by hornetstime247 View Post

    IMO we need to let Steph Curry get his. Let him get his 30-35, just stay at home on Green, Barnes and especially Thompson. Too many times help defenders were watching Curry or flinching to his every move and giving up open inside and outside look to other warriors.
    If you "let Steph Curry get his" you'll be looking at 45 points on 11-15 three point shooting and a 20 point deficit by halftime.

  20. #20
    the worst from Crawford was just last year - that stunt that he pulled on Durant last playoffs when he made him wait like 2 minutes between absolutely crucial FT's to try and tie the game to check on an utterly meaningless facet of the play that (if he absolutely HAD to check it) could have been done after the second FT. It was surreal... he really does make the game all about him.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by hornetstime247 View Post
    Jrue Holiday needs to man up. I'm sorry but the guy has a glorified shin splint that he has been complaining about for 2 years now. The guy already took the most drastic approach to put a metal rod in his leg for a stress reaction and I'm wouldn't be shocked if the team isn't a little tired of his complaining about soreness by now.
    CAW CAW!!!

    -Founder and valuable member of the Caw Caw Boyz-

  22. #22
    Whether or not he's a wuss, Holiday has been unreliable at best and is clearly not worth what we gave up for him. Our rebuild has gone badly despite this momentary "good feeling" stretch of the past month or so. Philly is closer to reaching the ECF than we are to reaching the WCF in my opinion. And it seems like we're going to be stuck with Monty instead of Thibs. I really wish SAS had beaten us - getting blown out in 4 games v's GSW isn't worth 3 more years of underachieving.

  23. #23
    Hollygrove 4 Life DroopyDawg's Avatar
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    Even if we lose tonight... I just hope we don't give up 60 points in the paint. It was depressing to watch GS conduct a layup drill on our defense. If they're gonna shoot 60%... let them shoot that from jumpers rather than get layup after layup.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by DroopyDawg View Post
    Even if we lose tonight... I just hope we don't give up 60 points in the paint. It was depressing to watch GS conduct a layup drill on our defense. If they're gonna shoot 60%... let them shoot that from jumpers rather than get layup after layup.
    Weird that all you hear is that we are a jump shooting team. (May I remind you we are 2nd in the NBA in points in the paint)

    Don't SLEEP.

  25. #25
    We have absolutely no chance tonight - GSW played pretty mediocre in Game 1 and they are going to destroy us tonight. I'm locked in at -11 and hoping that if we get swept maybe Monty could still get the ax.

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