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Thread: News about Jrue

  1. #1

    News about Jrue

    Any news about the most mysterious injury in nba? Is he back on the court? Likely to come back to training camp? Still hidden somewhere?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Bbwolff View Post
    Any news about the most mysterious injury in nba? Is he back on the court? Likely to come back to training camp? Still hidden somewhere?
    It's not mysterious. From what I've read on tibia stress fracture surgery, they keep you restricted until you are 100%, about 3-4 months. So you shouldn't really expect regular progress reports. Jrue also was at the last few home games, not hidden. It's just an injury where there won't be anything to report until he's 100% or something bad happens. No news is good news until mid May.

  3. #3
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    I'm certain he'll be good to go for training camp. That's all that's important.

    Next year needs to be a super healthy year for our team. Cuz this incomplete roster stuff gets old.

  4. #4
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    He and Ryan Anderson both were moving aptly and walking around in D.C. vs the Wizard in late february.

  5. #5
    Until I hear otherwise I'll assume we're healthy (besides maybe EJ but who cares) by the start of the season. Hopefully by training camp.
    Quote Originally Posted by zakzak View Post
    that dumb Gentry killing Asik morale seriously man he is been good when you compare last season then suddenly he sits whole damn first half barely gets minutes what an idiot we need muscle wee need rebound he took of asik jones,ajinca they got no place on this team play Diallo at least he is decent.
    .......if healthy


  6. #6
    still don't really understand how he did it. is this injury simply a freak injury, or is it a chronic condition that could keep reoccurring?
    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    Impossible. The octopus that lives in my brain hasn't squibbered anything about it to me.

    Also, that's how octopi talk. They squibber. Yes, it's a word. Shut up.

  7. #7
    Stress fracture comes from repeated though normal force to the bone. Noone really knows why one bone fractures from that. It's not your typical fracture either, usually a hairline/incomplete fracture, but causes pain, specially with weight bearing, ofcourse even more with further activity. They're notoriously resistant to treatment, even with surgery.

    Has anyone seen Jrue since surgery? Was he at home games? Boot, no boot? I'm sure he will be fine and aims for return till training time but that's far from given.

    Ps - surgery was at the end of february, i'm sure that report about seeing him is presurgery (guess the same stands for Ryno)

  8. #8
    One factor to keep in mind with Jrue is that he kept quiet and didn't inform the staff when he first had pain and tried to play through it. It could very well be that he caused the issue to be far worse than it otherwise would have been. If at the first sign of pain he let know they could have treated it before it required surgery.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bbwolff View Post
    Stress fracture comes from repeated though normal force to the bone. Noone really knows why one bone fractures from that. It's not your typical fracture either, usually a hairline/incomplete fracture, but causes pain, specially with weight bearing, ofcourse even more with further activity. They're notoriously resistant to treatment, even with surgery.

    Has anyone seen Jrue since surgery? Was he at home games? Boot, no boot? I'm sure he will be fine and aims for return till training time but that's far from given.

    Ps - surgery was at the end of february, i'm sure that report about seeing him is presurgery (guess the same stands for Ryno)
    True story. I used to be a very avid runner (5-7 miles a day wkday 10-20 wkend), and one day after a run I sat down, when I got up my foot felt like it was asleep, only it hurt like the dickens. After a week of my foot being in pain I went to the doctor and was told it was a stress fracture. It didn't help that I just compressed the wound and ran the week prior to going to the doctor (but it didn't hurt as bad). Anywho, found out it was a pretty big stress fracture, and I couldn't run like I normally could for a little more than 2 months, and even after that I wasn't supposed to run like I normally did.

    I havent ran like I used to in a while. I will to 5k's and a marathon now and again, but due to flat feet and fear of hurting my foot again I do other cardio.

    If you are reading this Jrue, get well, and know that I feel your pain.
    If you Jimmer it, they will come.

  10. #10
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    One factor to keep in mind with Jrue is that he kept quiet and didn't inform the staff when he first had pain and tried to play through it. It could very well be that he caused the issue to be far worse than it otherwise would have been. If at the first sign of pain he let know they could have treated it before it required surgery.
    It's possible. But I don't think early diagnosis would have enabled him to come back last season. That's a crappy injury for a NBA player.

  11. #11
    Sir, the results are in and I'm afraid you aren't going to be happy about the diagnosis. It looks as though the iniury is crappy.

    Crappiness intensifies.

  12. #12
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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