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View Poll Results: Basketball vs. Football

84. You may not vote on this poll
  • Basketball

    36 42.86%
  • Football

    32 38.10%
  • Ride the fence and say both

    16 19.05%
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Thread: B-Ball vs. Pigskin

  1. #1

    B-Ball vs. Pigskin

    I keep hearing people say New Orleans is a football town. While I might agree that football is more popular, it gives the idea that basketball means nothing here. From my experience growing up in this city, that is NOT the case at all. During basketball season, long before N.O. had a pro team, basketball was the thing to talk about and play. I know this as far back as the L.A./Boston series in the 80s. I even know some who only collected basketball cards...hundreds of them...right here in New Orleans. At one point in time, the Spurs were my favorite team.

    I played both football and basketball in my youth, and once again, long before N.O. had a team, baskteball has always been a slight favorite for me over football. No doubt I love my Saints and football in general, but it was Magic vs. Bird when I was 8. The Jordan championships in my teens, so I was a bit spoiled by the game.

    So, my question is, who else likes basketball more than football, even slightly.
    Last edited by luckyman; 08-15-2012 at 09:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Basketball is growing in popularity and football is dying in popularity both on global and local scales. But football is still more popular

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BeeBall Reasons View Post
    Basketball is growing in popularity and football is dying in popularity both on global and local scales. But football is still more popular
    This is about personal preference for folks here. Not popularity across the nation. It's quite obvious that the NFL is the most popular league right now.

  4. #4
    All-Star Cheaney's Avatar
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    I'm weird I guess, Im a bigger saints fan but overall I like basketball better as a sport. I can watch any basketball game over any football game but if it's the saints then I'll watch them with out question.

  5. #5
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! kinglio21093's Avatar
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    I get tired of football. I still enjoy it, but ESPN's non stop coverage of it turns me off of it. I prefer basketball.

  6. #6
    For...ev...er... The JNR's Avatar
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    I've always liked basketball more. I'm a huge Saints fan, and I write a blog about football, but basketball is definitely my favorite sport without question. To play, to watch, to talk about -- everything.

  7. #7
    I think if the nba had a cap situation like the nfl it would become the more popular sport (basketball). I think the reason the nfl is more popular is because in the nfl every team is on the same playing level (for lack of better words) in the nba with these "super teams" its hard to stay competitive and i think it turns fans off when they can look at a stack team and be like "well oh there gonna win this year" but in the nfl its more of people being on the same level. Like the time the saints played arizona and clevland i was kinda like "yeah saints got this" and then boom we loose to a colt mccoy and max hall (smh) led teams! I just think if the nba had a set cap and not these super teams it's fan base would grow even more then it already has.

  8. #8
    Good poll. I would say football is my favorite. Outside of LSU, the Saints are my favorite sports team followed by the Hornets. College football is my true love and will watch any SEC game anytime.

    However I will watch more non-Hornet NBA games over non-Saint NFL games. In fact, I won't watch any NFL game that is not a Saints game, unless my boy Tebow is playing of course.

  9. #9
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    I don't mind people that say that...but when they say that when I say "Why don't you like the basketball team?" "Because this is a basketball town." I have to resist the urge to slap them. It's the same mentality of people that have game console internet fights cuz they own an Xbox so the PS3 has to suck or something. Or they're just brainless sheep that follow the trend. It's a football town so basketball is teh suXorz or however that is conjugated. Make up your own damn mind.

    Although. If someone says it's cuz they hate the NBA, I have no problem with that whatsoever.

    I won't even directly mention the ones who are fans of a certain team residing in California.

    Anywho. I think that mentality can and will change, but it'll just take time. The NBA is just gaining steam in NOLA. People in my generation who were relatively young can appreciate the sport being here from a young age, but the best is the even younger, 5-15 year old demographic. Those kids are being raised watching the NOLA basketball, it's becoming a part of them. And when they get old enough to have kids, their kids will watch NOLA basketball. And so on and so on until it's inseparable from our culture.

  10. #10
    Quite honestly, I've never heard someone say "this is a football town" in my circles because I've always been around basketball fans. Thats why I get a little irked when I see someone from, or talking for N.O. say it on the internet or on the news, which is the only place I've heard that frankly. Yes football is more popular here, just like it is everywhere else outside of maybe Indiana, Kentucky, and New York. That doesn't mean NOLA doesn't have its fair share of longtime basketball people though.

    Pill heads represent!

  11. #11
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    Actually playing it, to me, basketball is more fun. But watching it professionally, I'd have to say football.

  12. #12
    I come from a basketball family as well and played all my life and in high school and in intramural leagues, so I'm going basketball all the way, although i still really love football (esp the saints and madden, though im a big 2k guy as well).

    When it comes to watching, basketball for sure. I think football can get kinda boring sometimes, besides watching brees tear it up alot; but i'm much more likely to watch a random bball game.

    Finally, going to a saints a game or hornets game? I have tickets for both and believe or not i prefer the hive if the hornets are good like in 08. I just feel more involved in the game, it's a much more interactive thing, and i'm close enough to heckel opposing players which cant be beat. Saints game are usually great, but they can get kinda dull sometimes at 12 oclock on a sunday.

  13. #13
    I wrote this about you Mr. West's Avatar
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    I'm as hard core a basketball fan as you will see. However, I love watching football and the Saints, but I don't follow roster moves etc. just enjoy watching the games. So I guess I would be a soft core football fan.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post

    I won't even directly mention the ones who are fans of a certain team residing in California.
    So what's someone to do who watched and fell in love with basketball watching the Bulls, the Lakers, the celts, or anyone for that matter? Just renounce it? Don't think that's very fair, not everyone on the board is a teenager and the Hornets in Nola werent all they knew. I'm not saying you shouldn't support to the home team.

    As far as the real question at hand, picking which I prefer is pretty hard since, IMO they're so different. There's nothing like getting amped up for a Saints or LSU game. I love the physicality of football, the team aspect, and the time that goes into one game; conversely, I love the skill of basketball and the fact one person can dominate the game. I love football for having the win or go home attitude every game, but I also love the fact that basketball has a 7 game series and typically the best team playing at that time wins and not some huge upset. NFL anyone in the playoffs can get hot and win it, and in the NBA you really have to earn it. I'm really in the middle, but i lean to basketball.

    "I don't know if people know — I dislocated my pinkie finger. And [Tyreke] told me, 'You wanna go home or you wanna be here?' I want to be here. And he said, 'All right, then go tape it up and let's play. Let's go. We not stoppin' at no stores. Straight gas. That's what we do, just keep going.'"


  15. #15
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BallSoHard View Post
    So what's someone to do who watched and fell in love with basketball watching the Bulls, the Lakers, the celts, or anyone for that matter? Just renounce it? Don't think that's very fair, not everyone on the board is a teenager and the Hornets in Nola werent all they knew. I'm not saying you shouldn't support to the home team.
    That's exactly what they should do.

    Next question.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    That's exactly what they should do.

    Next question.
    I respect your opinion, whether you're joking or not, but it desn't work like that all the time.

  17. #17
    For me personally I'm just a Louisiana homer. I support LSU, Hornets & Saints to the fullest. But as far as preference for the a sport over all....I'll probably have to go with Football. I can watch any football game even if the Saints & LSU arent playing. The NBA, I won't really get entrenched in the season of the rest of the league outside of the Hornets until the NFL Season is coming to a close.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    Anywho. I think that mentality can and will change, but it'll just take time. The NBA is just gaining steam in NOLA. People in my generation who were relatively young can appreciate the sport being here from a young age, but the best is the even younger, 5-15 year old demographic. Those kids are being raised watching the NOLA basketball, it's becoming a part of them. And when they get old enough to have kids, their kids will watch NOLA basketball. And so on and so on until it's inseparable from our culture.

  19. #19
    What's football?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    imo football will always be better than basketball

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    the hornets will never become more popular than the saints

  22. #22
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BallSoHard View Post
    I respect your opinion, whether you're joking or not, but it desn't work like that all the time.
    Real spit.

    I was a Bulls and Lakers fan before we got our team. Loved Jordan, loved Shaq. Didn't care much for Kobe. But I did root for them during their title run of the early 00s. But once we got our team? They got pushed to the wayside. For damn sure did I not come to a NOLA vs Lakers game wearing Lakers colors and root against the city that I was born in.

    Can't respect anyone that does that. All they can get from me is one cross they lips. The big dummies.

    Quote Originally Posted by BeeBall Reasons View Post
    Oh God, you did not just slow clap me.

  23. #23
    I can watch international basketball even summer league and enjoy it... I cannot watch the CFL or Arena football and have the same effect.
    That right there puts basketball over the top for me.
    I guess it helps that i played basketball growing up.
    Love the Saints and Football but I'll watch ANY basketball game on (besides the wnba) can't say the same for Foozball.

  24. #24
    Bang! Contributor PatrickJr17's Avatar
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    This is actually really tough to answer. I grew up loving every sport. Actually as a kid I was a HUGE baseball fan, football and basketball didn't even come close, although I liked both of them a lot.

    I really think I like football and basketball equally. I hold season tickets for the Hornets and am on the waiting list for the Saints. I really love to both watch and play basketball and football. I cant choose between the two. I suppose if for some odd reason the Hornets and Saints games were to conflict in some way I would watch whichever game was more important at the time, and probably switch back and forth.

    Obviously because of the way the seasons match up the Saints would be more important at that moment probably.

    I guess I'll ride the fence on this one.

  25. #25
    From a viewing stand point would say the NFL has the slight edge for me. Mostly because there's less football and more time for me to miss it. I can devote the weekend and Monday to football. The basketball season is far too long. Way to many stretches that are virtually unimportant especially with more than 50% of the team making it to the post season. There isn't a week in football that's not important can't say the same for basketball especially the NBA.

    Just based on the actual sport the older I get the more I start leaning toward basketball. Right now it's almost dead even, but I have to give the slight edge to basketball.

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