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Thread: An Open Letter To Baron Davis!

  1. #26
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
    Why does Baron want to leave?
    To play in NY or LA. You know why. I guess you would rather stir the sh!t pot.

  2. #27
    No, I am making a point.

    Webber wanted to play in NY too. McGrady was going to play in Chicago until Orlando convinced him to sign with them. Everyone said Carter head back to the US the first chance he got, well he ended up signing a max contract to stay in Toronto, etc etc.

    PS - If that nickel will pay for a quick overseas phone call, maybe we can call up that French bank that George and Ray used and get them to spot us a few million to finance our own team too!

  3. #28
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
    [PS - If that nickel will pay for a quick overseas phone call, maybe we can call up that French bank that George and Ray used and get them to spot us a few million to finance our own team too! [/B]
    You are not going to call them the coullions are you?

  4. #29
    Abbie, I was hoping we could have one thread where we didn't have that word mentioned, why did you have to ruin it for me :tears: :tears:

  5. #30
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    So sorry! Did not mean to ruin your fun.

  6. #31
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
    No, I am making a point.
    The team wants to try to work with him. Thats what they are saying. They can't really do anything until July 1 anyway. Of course if Baron decides to play hardball, you will be able to blame the owners. That is all you guys can do. My whole contention is if you have an employee who does not want to be with your company, accomodate him. When you let him hang around too long, it makes it tough on everyone else around. I say trade him now while he will bring us value. The closer we get to him being an unrestricted FA, the farther we get from good compensation. I want him to stay, even if he is CLT's hero. He can be my hero if he signs a contract. I will be pissed at the owners if they allow him to get away with no compensation and it brings this team down. Of course I'd still go to the games. You don't think I'd be stupid enough to boycott.

  7. #32
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Abbie
    So sorry! Did not mean to ruin your fun.

    BTW, I meant to ruin it.

  8. #33
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    Okay Harvey...how about we wait and see what happens before we decide who is at fault. Just curious do you assume that all CHLT posters are here to stir or will you ever take advice from a seasoned Hornets fan? Honestly I am curious about that- should I not even try and just save my breath?
    Last edited by Abbie; 06-29-2002 at 02:48 AM.

  9. #34
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Save it. This team and ownership will be judged by what happens here. I don't care what happened there. I don't care about the teams W-L record there. I don't care which player liked it or not. I don't care if Baron is your hero. I don't care. This became our team in May and CLT has ZERO to do with it. Really, I say this with no offense intended. This is a NEW ORLEANS HORNETS message board. I think somewhere there is a section for CLT folks to rehash the good ole days, I wouldn't know where it is or don't care to tell the truth. I welcome you and anyone else from around the country to talk about the New Orleans Hornets. As far as I am concerned, anything that happened in CLT is old news. So old, I forgot about it and don't care to remember. Hope this wasn't too sugar coated.

  10. #35
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    I am not trying to rehash anything but looking to what will make this a successful Hornets team. Like it or not we have a common goal- as you do with many other Charlotte Hornet fans that simply choose to remain fans of the Hornets no matter where they play.

  11. #36
    Well it's obviously something we won't see eye-to-eye on. You think it is just the players, I question why the players want to leave in the first place. If you aren't ever going to ask that same question, it does seem as though the owners chose the perfect place to move to! I'm not one who is going to blame the owners for every single thing, but I'm not going to wear blinders anymore either. You just can't write it off as a player wanting to go to a big market, when in some cases the player that we've lost has ended up in a smaller market!

    PS - a boycott from you wouldn't hurt Shinn/Wooldridge too much unless you're one of those Biloxi businessmen that bought 2,000 season tickets or something!

  12. #37
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Abbie, the Charlotte Hornets don't exist. It doesn't matter where they play? Lets revisit that in November when they are playing to sold out crowds in the NO arena. This is New Orleans' team. You are free to be a fan if you like. You are either New Orleans Hornet fans or you are not. There is no inbetween or any other name to call it. I'm sure the guys in LA really don't care what the Brooklyn guys think of the Dodgers. Know why? The Brooklyn Dodgers don't exist.

  13. #38
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
    PS - a boycott from you wouldn't hurt Shinn/Wooldridge too much unless you're one of those Biloxi businessmen that bought 2,000 season tickets or something!
    Still a whiner huh?

    Hey, shouldn't you CLT guys get some rest. It's only a matter of a few hours before you have to get up and milk the cows.

  14. #39
    Please don't call me names Harvey, you know that's not allowed
    We don't want this to get moved to the smack board!

  15. #40
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    OMG- you still don't see that I am saying I am a Hornets fan- don't care where they play. They could be the tim buck two Hornets for all I care, but I want them to be successful and that is why I have opinions as to what should happen. Do you get we are pulling for the same team?

  16. #41
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    I am rooting for the New Orleans Hornets and the players who want to play here. If you are rooting for them, we are rooting for the same team.

    PS. They play in New Orleans...

  17. #42
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    Great we are pulling for the same team. This is getting old, I am going to bed.

  18. #43
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    I'm pulling for the Hornets to lose every game and be the worst team to ever lace them up. I hope George and Ray go bankrupt and are forced to sell the team. After that happens the Hornets will be my 2nd favorite team behind the New Charlotte team.
    With the third pick in the 2006 NBA Draft the Charlotte Bobcats select Rudy Gay..........

  19. #44
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    I am hitting the hay too. No, I am not going to sleep in the barn like you guys do in CLT, I am going to bed. It's just a figure of speech.

    I hope you know I am kidding. Hopefully we have all learned to smile and laugh at ourselves. If you have been following the board, you will see where we poke fun at ourselves everyday. Don't take anything personal. It is really all in good fun. Tell Aunt Bee and Barney hello for us!!!

  20. #45
    I still see you browsing the forum Harvey! You didn't go to bed you little rascal! Are you really worried that I wouldn't get to bed in time to wake up and tend to the cows? Well we are gonna milk those suckers dry, and you'll get your welfare cheese on time, just like always! No worries, you get yourself a good night sleep, ya hear?

  21. #46
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Looks like you are all alone now, W! Is the sun coming up over there yet? It just got dark 4 hours ago over here, but it's time for me to bail, too. later....

    Time for some football!!!

  22. #47
    BTW, the owners OWN the team. Not me. Not you. When you and I can scrounge up multi millions to own a team, we can run it like we want. Otherwise, I can take my opinion, your opinion and a nickel and make a phone call.
    Well, geez ... what the hell are we all even doing here, fillin' up a tip cup?

    Sigh. Sometimes, it amazes me how much childishness rules this board.

    First of all Harvey, anyone who has followed the same franchise (as you now root for) day in and day out for years should be taken to have some credibilty.

    The earlier post from a CLT concerning offseason moves, or the lack thereof speaks volumes. (see, "Our No.1 offseason priority")


    hell. if he wants to leave and go to a team for possibly less $$ and less of a chance to contend, then yes, you don't want someone who is that dumb anyway.

    And when I say less of a chance to contend, know this: Baron's not going to the Lakers. It simply isn't going to happen. You can book that. I could list a myriad of reasons as to why it won't.

    But back to the all caps. We can all sit up here blaming owners (although I must say the track record isn't the greatest) and blaming Baron, but the fact is ... WE DON'T KNOW WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON.

    Maybe some of you should consider the fact that sports agents are evil. They aren't like Jerry Maguire. They will say and do anything if they feel it will get more worldly possessions into their pockets. That's a good bet that this is the fuel behind this little brush fire.

    And the stance that it doesn't matter what happened in the past b/c this is the New Orleans Hornets now is sort of like the ostrich w/ his head in the sand.

    And it's just plain wrong too, as you will find out when the New Orleans Hornets' media guide comes out this fall that has all of those records and games and stats and points and players dating back to the late 80's.

    On another issue, there's still waaayy too much pettiness on this board. Harvey, ease up on the whole Andy Griffith, slack-jawed redneck thing. You are making the rest of us New Orleanians look bad. I don't think it would hurt a lot of our feelings if "coullions" rode off into the sunset as well.

    And btw, you'll need 30 more cents to get that dial tone these days.

  23. #48
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
    No, I am making a point.

    Webber wanted to play in NY too. McGrady was going to play in Chicago until Orlando convinced him to sign with them. Everyone said Carter head back to the US the first chance he got, well he ended up signing a max contract to stay in Toronto, etc etc.
    I agree! Too many here are ready to ship off our star player because they hear on the news or read in the newspaper that he wants to go to a bigger market. Give it a chance already! We waited 23 years for a team and got a very good one. Now, everyone wants to see just how quickly we can run the stars out of the city without knowing all of the facts and circumstances. Geez!

  24. #49
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Charlotte-Jason
    I'm pulling for the Hornets to lose every game and be the worst team to ever lace them up. I hope George and Ray go bankrupt and are forced to sell the team. After that happens the Hornets will be my 2nd favorite team behind the New Charlotte team.
    That is awfully nice of you. Many here have sent well wishes to you guys on getting an expansion franchise and you wish this on us. Go back to your Charlotte boards then and leave us alone.

  25. #50
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Baron wants out HF. He wants out bad. I am not jumping the gun, just adjusting to his demand.

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