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Thread: Ray Wooldridge donates $1 Million to City

  1. #26
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by nyknicksfan
    Basketball camp for kids hosted by Larry Bird would be awsome, I was all excited as a kid when I went to UNO baseball camp hosted by that guy from La who played with the Twins (can't remember his name to save my life, I think he was a DH the year they were in the World series).
    Would you be taking about current UNO baseball coach, Randy Bush?

  2. #27
    Hall of Famer
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    That was a nice gesture by Ray- hopefully for New Orleans sake Shinnridge has learned from the many mistakes made here and will do their best to run a first class organazation in New Orleans.

    I was of course upset that the league allowed the move but if all this Larry Bird talk turns into a reality than I am probally more happy that New Orleans got the team than most of you. I mean I never thought in my wildest dreams that we would only be out of the league for one year and come back with Larry Bird running the team and the chance to draft possibly the best HS player of all time. I just hope it all works out.
    With the third pick in the 2006 NBA Draft the Charlotte Bobcats select Rudy Gay..........

  3. #28
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Would you be taking about current UNO baseball coach, Randy Bush?
    I think that is it, thanks alot. I used to go to UNO and Tulane baseball camps all the time. My favorite was that UNO camp. I'm not 100% sure, but Randy Bush sounds familiar. He spent time with each of us in the batting cage, I remember being very nervous and in awe of a real MLB player. Man that was a long time ago. Thanks again for helping me figure out who that was.

  4. #29
    Basketball Guru Contributor
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    Originally posted by Charlotte-Jason
    That was a nice gesture by Ray- hopefully for New Orleans sake Shinnridge has learned from the many mistakes made here and will do their best to run a first class organazation in New Orleans.

    I was of course upset that the league allowed the move but if all this Larry Bird talk turns into a reality than I am probally more happy that New Orleans got the team than most of you. I mean I never thought in my wildest dreams that we would only be out of the league for one year and come back with Larry Bird running the team and the chance to draft possibly the best HS player of all time. I just hope it all works out.
    From an outsiders standpoint, I don't think Ray liked Charlotte from the beginning the way it sounds. Now, let me clarify, I don't think anything bad about Charlotte personally. I've never been there, and from what I've seen on this board and through the internet, it seems to be like any other city in America. But, it seems like he just didn't like it.

  5. #30
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Charlotte-Jason
    That was a nice gesture by Ray- hopefully for New Orleans sake Shinnridge has learned from the many mistakes made here and will do their best to run a first class organazation in New Orleans.

    I was of course upset that the league allowed the move but if all this Larry Bird talk turns into a reality than I am probally more happy that New Orleans got the team than most of you. I mean I never thought in my wildest dreams that we would only be out of the league for one year and come back with Larry Bird running the team and the chance to draft possibly the best HS player of all time. I just hope it all works out.
    Not to burst your bubble, but IF the team is in place for 2003, if I recall, the last expansion teams did not get the #1 pick. They were either after the top 3 or lottery picks. When Charlotte and Miami drafted, I think they were 5 and 4. When Vancouver and Toronto drafted, I think they were 6 and 7.

  6. #31
    The Franchise STD's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Charlotte-Jason
    I mean I never thought in my wildest dreams that we would only be out of the league for one year and come back with Larry Bird running the team and the chance to draft possibly the best HS player of all time. I just hope it all works out.
    if you do get a expansion team dont get your hopes up about getting the first pick. in the grizlies and raptors first year they picked 6th and 7th,, they also could not get the first pick for 3 or 4 years after,, i dont think the owners want to give the new guys the top pick anymore
    Last edited by STD; 05-26-2002 at 03:59 AM.

  7. #32
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Houma Hornet, excellent point about the draft picks. Not too many people remember that and all the controversy it started. It was a big deal back then when those teams came into the league. I also do not think the owners will hand them the first pick either.

  8. #33
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    Originally posted by say-what
    Haybud, that's one donation made to one group. Everyone knows based on the Hornets past charity record in Charlotte that the team and its owners spread many donations throughout the community.

    I know you're still upset the NBA left Charlotte, but give the freakin' negativity a break.

    Sorry for the long wait, working too much to check here all the time. Please show me proof of the "OWNERS" (meaning Shinn and Wooly) giving anything to Charlotte once Wolly came on board. Yes, the Hornet players and the GM worked out deals to have "Read to Achieve" and the "Fanny Mae Foundation", but I don't remember anything about Wooly offering to help pay for an arena or even donating money to the state.

    He knew that franchise was dead in Charlotte, and if he gave any money it would be a lost cause.

    Now, I am pissed that the team left, just you keep thinking I am trying to give out negativity. All I said was that it seemed odd that he will make a **** load of money in the next 5 years, and $100,000 for 10 years gets you all giddy. In the government, $100,000 can buy you either a hammer and/or 4 nails (depending on the market at the time)

    So try reading it like a joke....NOT a pissed off rant. Same reason I said it's GOOD for New Orleans its' over 10 years, because that should make you feel more secure that they want the team to stay at least that long.

    So just relax Say-What, it's all in humor.

  9. #34
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Haybud
    So try reading it like a joke....NOT a pissed off rant. Same reason I said it's GOOD for New Orleans its' over 10 years, because that should make you feel more secure that they want the team to stay at least that long.

    So just relax Say-What, it's all in humor.
    Yeah right, "joke" - whatever - coullion. It's still negativity on your part. If this is the way you are going to be, maybe you ought to go the way of the CLT.com Hornets pages and board - AWAY. But don't take this as me being p-o'd or over reacting to your statement - take it as a JOKE!

    By the way, no one here is "giddy" because of this donation....it's just one donation. But it is a nice way to come into the community.
    Last edited by say-what-x; 05-26-2002 at 10:55 PM.

  10. #35
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    heh, tell me about it Say-What. You guys get Wooly donating $1mill....we get Wooly and he demands a new arena....go figure

    and I don't care about CLT.com.....Charlotte posters made it bad, and N.O. posters made it worse.

    And what do you mean "if that's the way you want to be" ?
    You mean, you have a problem with me finding the actions of the new owners in New Orleans rather funny compared to what they did in Charlotte ? Oh well, guess there's no pleasing you....since I didn't have something good to say about the greatest owners ever.

    Please......I love New Orleans and this board, and I love the Hornets, but just because I find the owners hilarious and somewhat a joke, you find me negative. If you Say-So.....

  11. #36
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Say what, WTF? Do you have WCHs permission to use the "coullion" deal?

  12. #37
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Harvey Hornet
    Say what, WTF? Do you have WCHs permission to use the "coullion" deal?
    I owe him a 1-cent royalty. WCH, the check is in the mail.

  13. #38
    Charter Member Southpaw's Avatar
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    Originally posted by say-what
    I owe him a 1-cent royalty. WCH, the check is in the mail.
    Wow...he's charging you a third of your net worth????

    What is he...a West Coast version of SpongeRidge?

    A football game can't stop hurricanes.

    It can't fix levees.

    Or rebuild houses.

    But it can let a city know...

    That it's a city once again.

    Welcome back, New Orleans.

  14. #39
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Slidell Hornet

    Wow...he's charging you a third of your net worth????

    What is he...a West Coast version of SpongeRidge?

    No, actually it wipes the 1-cent charge he owes me for the sig pic. It just took me a while to find a use for that "coullion" I had stored up.

  15. #40
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    Wow, Haybud, you are an angry comedian. I don't recall say-what, or any other of our posters for that matter, even implying that Shinn and Wooldridge are "the best owners ever." That probably wouldn't be that high of a goal, though, considering the level most sports-team owners aspire too. Maybe I missed some posts. If he thinks that, though, I will have examine his position, considering how much of the Charlotte Business Journal and just about every other rag dealing with the Hornets he has read. Anyway, for my part, the thing I like best about Shinn and Wooldridge is their team is moving to New Orleans. Everything else is lagniappe.

  16. #41
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Westbank Hornet
    Wow, Haybud, you are an angry comedian. I don't recall say-what, or any other of our posters for that matter, even implying that Shinn and Wooldridge are "the best owners ever." That probably wouldn't be that high of a goal, though, considering the level most sports-team owners aspire too. Maybe I missed some posts. If he thinks that, though, I will have examine his position, considering how much of the Charlotte Business Journal and just about every other rag dealing with the Hornets he has read.
    Shinnridge is evil....I must think the Charlotte way....they will poison the market...
    I was warned and have acted accordingly...

    Haybud is just trying to stir stuff around here. I have never said that Shinn and Wooldridge were the best owners ever nor was I "giddy" about this donation. We only get accused of worshiping Shinn and Wooldridge as the greatest owners in the world because we dare to find the good in what they are doing (that and the fact that they up and left Charlotte I am sure has a little something to do with it).

    What happened in Charlotte, happened. However, we now have a team (for which I am ecstatic and thank Shinn and Wooldridge for selecting New Orleans as the new home for their team) and the owners have an opportunity to make a fresh start of it here where they are welcomed with open arms. Wooldridge's gesture was nice, but it is only a small part of what the overall organization will do for the Community - much like Benson and the Saints (an organization that gets far too little credit for their donations and community involvement).

  17. #42
    Originally posted by Haybud
    Woohoo, go Wooly!

    Estimated to make $3mill in the next year and donating $100,000!! Way to go Ray, you da man!

    no sour grapes, just would be more impressive if it was $1mill in 1 year. But, I guess spreading it over 10 years almost guarantees the team will stay for a long while.
    No sour grapes? Hey, the guy doesn't have to donate ANYTHING. He owns a basketball team, not the local Red Cross.

  18. #43
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    sigh......All I am saying is it would seem much more of an impressive gesture if it was more than $100,000 a year.....BUT, being that it is over 10 years, that would mean that they want the team to stay for a long period of time, and not 5 years like everyone ELSE thinks. I don't mean anything more than that....

    Just kinda funny how "some" people think it's such a great gesture and he is a good man, and ALL he did was give chump change (to him) back to the government, which will be blown anyhow. If it was more, it would be more impressive, but from what he gets from next year alone, it doesn't even compare. Can't judge a mans character on his money alone.

    And Say-What is right......he never said they were the best owners.....I don't even think he said they were good owners....it was sarcasim on my part....I'll try to avoid it from now on as type doesn't convey that I'll crawl back in my hole and be careful next time

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